Syncfusion is happy to roll out our 10th set of new .NET MAUI controls and features in the Essential Studi®o® 2023 Volume 4 release. We’ll explore them in this blog.
New .NET MAUI controls
In the 2023 Volume 4 release, we introduce the following. NET MAUI controls in preview mode:
The new .NET MAUI Cards is a container control. It allows users to create dismissible cards or a stack of cards. It can also organize a sequence of cards where only one card is visible at a time. Users can easily navigate through the stack by swiping to reveal the next card in the sequence.
Key features
- Create dismissible cards.
- Customize the background, border width, border color, corner radius, indicator thickness, indicator color, and indicator position.
- Restrict the dismissal of cards.
- Create a stack of cards.
- Dismiss and retrieve cards in the left, right, top, and bottom directions.
- Display the swiped card to users.

.NET MAUI Carousel
The .NET MAUI Carousel control allows users to navigate through image data in an interactive way so that it can be viewed or selected. It provides various customization options for its item arrangements.
Key features
- Specify the space between the unselected items in the Carousel.
- Rotate all the items to a specified angle.
- Specify the time it should take to move an item to the selected item position.

.NET MAUI Navigation Drawer
The .NET MAUI Navigation Drawer control is used to create a navigation pane in an app. It consists of a content area and a sliding pane that can be opened by swiping the edges of the screen or programmatically.
Key features
- Position the pane at the left, right, top, or
- Open and close the pane using the slide on top, push, and reveal transitions.

.NET MAUI PullToRefresh
The .NET MAUI PullToRefresh control is designed to refresh the view loaded within it by executing the pull-to-refresh action. Upon initiating the action, a progress indicator will be displayed. The app will refresh when the pulling reaches a specific distance and then the touch is released.
Key features
- Specify the animated transition between the refresh indicator and the pulling pane.
- Display complex views like ListView, DataGrid, and other layouts within the pulling pane.
- Customize the stroke color, stroke thickness, background, height, and width of the refresh indicator.
- Display any view or control in the progress indicator view for both pulling and refreshing actions.

.NET MAUI Sunburst Chart
The .NET MAUI Sunburst Chart is used to represent hierarchical data structures. Each level represents a different category or subcategory, allowing users to understand the relationships and dependencies within the data.
Key features
- Visualization of hierarchical data.
- Data labels and legends give better readability.
- Tooltips provide more information about the segments.
- Customization tools change the appearance of the palette brushes.

.NET MAUI Switch
The .NET MAUI Switch control provides an efficient way to select states based on the toggled value.
Key features
- Allows users to select and clear the control by tapping.
- Supports radio button color and label text customization.

What’s new in our existing .NET MAUI controls?
We’ve seen the new controls introduced in our Syncfusion .NET MAUI suite by the 2023 Volume 4 release.
Let’s look at the exciting new features added to our existing controls.
Multiple selection
The .NET MAUI Autocomplete control now allows users to select multiple items from the suggestion list and display them as tokens.

Cartesian Charts
The addition of the following two new chart series types to the .NET MAUI Cartesian Charts control will provide users with more ways to visualize their data.
Stacked area
The stacked area chart allows the visualization of data points as areas. The areas are stacked on top of each other to indicate the cumulative value of the data points.

100% stacked area
The 100% stacked area chart showcases the cumulative portion of each stacked element, which always comes to a total of 100%.

Multiple selection
The .NET MAUI ComboBox now allows users to select multiple items from the suggestion list and display them as tokens.

The .NET MAUI DataGrid control now allows users to manipulate data using the data pager, letting them view rows on multiple pages.

Image Editor
The new features added in the .NET MAUI Image Editor are as follows.
Path annotation
Users can add paths composed of straight lines to an image. This feature allows users to draw any straight-sided shape or line segment with multiple points.

Background color of text annotations
You can customize the background color of text annotations in an image.

PDF Viewer
We rolled out the following new, user-friendly features in the .NET MAUI PDF Viewer.
Form filling
PDF forms are a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. They can be used for filling out job forms, registration forms, medical forms, and more. This feature allows users to fill out PDF forms by:
- Typing text into text boxes.
- Selecting options from dropdown menus.
- Selecting options from list boxes.
- Checking or unchecking boxes.
- Selecting radio buttons.
- Performing GoTo actions.
- Adding signatures.
It also offers additional features, such as the ability to:
- Save the form data for future use.
- Import form data into the PDF form.
- Export form data to other formats: XFDF, FDF, JSON, and XML.

Enhancements in shape annotation
Users can add, remove, and modify polyline and polygon annotations in PDF files. The polyline annotation can be used to:
- Mark paths or directions on construction plans, draw flowcharts or process diagrams, and more.
Polyline annotation in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer - Highlight specific areas of interest within a document or image, like marking specific areas or features in architectural plans, indicating changes, additions, or details that need attention.
Polygon annotation in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer
Free text annotation
Users can now add, remove, and modify free text annotations in PDF files. These are used to add comments, notes, or other textual information directly onto a PDF document. This feature is commonly used for collaboration, reviewing, and providing feedback on PDF content.

Production-ready controls
The following .NET MAUI controls have been developed to meet industry standards and are marked as production-ready with this release:
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed exploring Syncfusion’s new .NET MAUI controls and features introduced in the Essential Studio® 2023 Volume 4 release. If you want to learn about the other updates in this release, please visit our Release Notes and What’s New pages.
If you are not a Syncfusion customer, we invite you to try our 30-day free trial to experience these latest features. Feel free to share any feedback or questions in the comments section below.
You can also reach us through our support forums, support portal, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!
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