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What's New in Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls


What's New in Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls

Jump-start your .NET MAUI projects with a new Digital Gauge control, seven more production-ready controls, and smart labels and legends in Charts.

What’s New seaprator What's New in Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls


The following .NET MAUI controls have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked as production-ready in this 2024 Volume 2 release:

  • Chat
  • Parallax View
  • Polar Charts
  • Radial Menu
  • Rotator
  • Step Progress Bar
  • TreeMap

Digital Gauge (New)

The .NET MAUI Digital Gauge control is a data visualization component that displays alphanumeric characters digitally. It can display both characters and numbers.

Key features

  • Has several display types: 7-segment display, 14-segment display, 16-segment display, and 8x8 dot matrix display.
  • Has features to customize the character spacing, height, and width.
  • Has features to customize the colors of the character and disabled segments.
  • Lets users customize the visibility of the character and disabled segments.
  • Can display numbers, letters, and special characters, which are given in the value property.

.NET MAUI Digital Gauge



The .NET MAUI Autocomplete now supports delimiters, allowing users to separate multiple selected items with a custom character for a clear and organized display.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

No results found

When the entered item is not in the suggestion list, Autocomplete displays text that indicates no results were found.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

Load more

This feature enables users to restrict the number of suggestions displayed and have the remaining items loaded by selecting Load More.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

Text highlight mode

The .NET MAUI Autocomplete now supports highlighting matching characters in the suggestion list to make it easy to pick an item. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • First occurrence: Highlights the matching characters in the first of the matching items in the suggestion list.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

  • Multiple occurrences: Highlights the matching characters present in all items in the dropdown list when the TextSearchMode is set to “Contains”.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

Users can customize the dropdown placement using the DropDownPlacement property.

  • Top: The dropdown will be positioned above the text box.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

  • Bottom: The dropdown will be positioned below the text box.

.NET MAUI Autocomplete

  • Auto: The dropdown will be positioned based on the available space, above or below the text box.

  • None: No dropdown will be displayed with the filtered items.


Pop-up display

This feature supports displaying the Calendar component in a pop-up window, a dialog, or a relative dialog.

.NET MAUI Calendar

Corner radius

This feature allows users to customize the corner radius of the .NET MAUI Calendar control.

.NET MAUI Calendar


Visible card animation

This feature provides an animation when the visible card index changes.


Cartesian Charts


This feature allows users to add text, shapes, and custom views to specific areas within the chart.

.NET MAUI Annotation

Trackball enhancement

Users can now add any kind of view as a trackball template, group all trackball labels and display them at the top of the chart. Additionally, users can choose to activate the trackball via either a long-press or touch action.

Get data points support

This feature retrieves a collection of data points that fall within a specified rectangular region.

Smart axis label support

This feature handles overlapping axis labels by placing them in multiple rows, wrapping the labels, or hiding them.

Smart axis label support in .NET MAUI

Maximum zoom level support

This feature lets users set a limit to prevent zooming beyond a specified level.

Custom legend layout

This feature allows any layout to be added to the chart legend, enabling wrap or other layouts for effective legend item arrangement.

Circular Charts

Smart data label alignment

This feature arranges data labels to avoid intersection and overlapping by shifting them or hiding overlapped labels.

.NET MAUI Annotation



The .NET MAUI ComboBox now supports delimiters, allowing users to separate multiple selected items with a custom character for a clear and organized display.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

No results found

When filter is enabled, then the entered item is not in the suggestion list, ComboBox displays a text that indicates no results found.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

Load more

This feature enables users to restrict the number of suggestions displayed and have the remaining items loaded by selecting the LoadMore.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

Text highlight mode

The .NET MAUI ComboBox now supports highlighting matching characters in a suggestion list to make it easy to pick an item. There are two ways to achieve this:

  • First occurrence: Highlights the first position of the matching characters in the suggestion list.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

  • Multiple occurrences: Highlights the matching characters present in the drop down list when the TextSearchMode is set to “Contains”.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

Allows users to customize the dropdown placement using the DropDownPlacement property.

  • Top: The dropdown will be positioned above the text box.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

  • Bottom: The dropdown will be positioned below the text box.

.NET MAUI ComboBox

  • Auto: The dropdown will be positioned based on the available space, above or below the text box.

  • None: No dropdown will be displayed with the filtered items.


Group header customization

The .NET MAUI DataForm allows users to tailor the appearance and behavior of group headers.

Group header customization

Segment editor support

The segmented editor allows users to interact with and input data efficiently within a form, providing a seamless and intuitive experience.

Segment editor support

Scroll to editor support

The .NET MAUI DataForm allows users to navigate programmatically to a specific editor within a form.

Scroll to editor support


Column drag and drop

This feature allows users to reorder columns directly within the UI.

.NET MAUI DataGrid Column Drag and Drop

Row header

The feature is typically used to display a row label or additional information related to each row.

.NET MAUI DataGrid Row Header

Date Picker

Text display modes

This feature allows users to customize the Date Picker text for visual clarity. The text display modes are default, fade, shrink, and fade and shrink.

.NET MAUI Date Picker

Clear selection

This feature changes the selected date type to nullable type to allow clearing the selection.

.NET MAUI Date Picker

Date Time Picker

Text display modes

This feature allows users to customize the Date Time Picker text for visual clarity. The text display modes are default, fade, shrink, and fade and shrink.

.NET MAUI Date Time Picker

Clear selection

This feature changes the selected date type to nullable type to allow clearing the selection.

.NET MAUI Date Time Picker

Excel Library

Chart to image enhancement

When converting to PDF or images, error bars are preserved exactly as they appear in the input Excel file, as well as when converting charts to images.

Chart to image in .NET MAUI

Pivot table enhancement

The show values row option is provided in pivot table creation and Excel to PDF conversion. This feature allows users to add “Values” row to the pivot table when two or more data fields exist.

Pivot table layout in .NET MAUI

Gradient fill

Support for gradient fill style in conditional formatting is provided in Excel document creation and Excel to PDF conversion. This feature improves the appearance of the conditional formatting and easily highlights the data in the reports containing large data.

Gradient fill in .NET MAUI

Image Editor

Text label support

The .NET MAUI Image Editor allows users to customize each toolbar item and its appearance, including displaying text alongside icons for enhanced usability.

Text label support

ID support for annotations

The .NET MAUI Image Editor allows users to perform actions such as editing, deleting, or updating annotations directly by referencing their unique IDs.

Masked Entry

Input validation mode

The .NET MAUI Masked Entry now includes input validation based on the value of the ValidationMode property. Users can choose between two validation modes:

  • KeyPress: Validation is triggers for each key press.

.NET MAUI MaskedEntry

  • LostFocus: Validation takes place when the control loses its focus.

.NET MAUI MaskedEntry

PDF Library

Merge PDFs without compromising accessibility

This functionality allows users to merge PDF documents without compromising their accessibility. Accessibility is crucial for users relying on screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Merge PDFs without compromising accessibility tags

Pop-up icon appearance

This feature enables users to add various pop-up icons to a PDF document, including custom icons with unique appearances, by using appearance streams. The appearance stream ensures that each pop-up icon is displayed uniformly when the PDF document is viewed in any standard PDF viewers.

Pop-up icon appearance

Duplicate page support

This feature allows users to duplicate pages within the same PDF document, facilitating easier content replication and organization. This support is useful for quickly creating templates, maintaining consistency across multiple sections, and streamlining document editing processes.

Duplicate page

PDF Viewer

Built-in toolbar

This feature gives users easy access to commonly used tools for operations such as reviewing with annotations, text searching, and bookmark navigation. This reduces the developer’s effort in creating a toolbar on their own and ensures reliability and stability in performance.

.NET MAUI PDF Viewer page zoom modes.

Cloud shape annotations

This feature allows users to add, remove, and modify cloud shape annotations in PDF files. They help editors and proofreaders mark errors and suggest changes directly on a PDF.

.NET MAUI PDF Viewer page zoom modes.

Page zoom modes

This feature allows users to view PDF files in different page zoom modes, such as fit-width and fit-page. Fit-page ensures that users can see the entire page content to get a quick overview without having to scroll. Fit-width is helpful when reading documents with narrow columns, such as newspaper articles or other multicolumn layouts.

.NET MAUI PDF Viewer page zoom modes.


Text display modes

This feature allows users to customize the Picker text for visual clarity. The text display modes are default, fade, shrink, and fade and shrink.

.NET MAUI Picker

PowerPoint Library

End paragraph mark

The .NET PowerPoint Library includes an API to access the font properties of the end paragraph in PowerPoint Presentations.

PowerPoint-to-PDF and image conversion enhancements

The Syncfusion PowerPoint Library includes the following enhancements when converting any PowerPoint Presentation to a PDF file or image:

  • Note rendering: Use a notes-publishing option to improve the rendering of slides with notes that exceed a page when converting to PDF.

  • Highlight preservation: Highlights within the original presentation will be maintained with their exact colors during the conversion process, ensuring a precise representation in the resulting PDF or image file.

Highlight color in .NET MAUI

  • Chart error bars: Error bars are preserved exactly as they appear in the input presentation when converted to PDF or images, as well as when converting charts to images.

Chart error bars in .NET MAUI

Radial Menu

Layout types

The .NET MAUI RadialMenu supports the layout types, which divides the available space equally among all the children in the circular panel. The two different layout types in the radial menu are:

  • Default: Space is equally divided based on the number of items.

.NET MAUI RadialMenu

  • Custom: The segment count in the panel is determined by the VisibleSegmentsCount property. As the segment count in all hierarchical levels is the same, radial menu items are arranged in any order according to the SegmentIndex property.

.NET MAUI RadialMenu

Visible segments count

The VisibleSegmentsCount property specifies the number of segments to be displayed in the circular panel.


Vertical month view swiping

The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Scheduler allows users a more ergonomic and efficient method of navigating through calendar data with vertical swiping.

Vertical month view swiping

Agenda appointment template

The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Scheduler allows users to customize the visual representation of agenda appointments by defining data templates, enhancing usability within the application.

Agenda appointment template

Step Progress Bar

Step tooltip

The .NET MAUI Step Progress Bar control now supports tooltips to display additional information when the user hovers over or interacts with a specific step view.

.NET MAUI Step Progress Bar

Template support

This feature allows users to customize the primary text, secondary text, and steps using a data template. The template selector is used to customize each piece of content with a different template.

.NET MAUI Step Progress Bar

Flow direction

The .NET MAUI Step Progress Bar control supports right-to-left (RTL) flow direction.

.NET MAUI Step Progress Bar

Tab View

Scroll mode

The .NET MAUI TabView now includes scroll buttons in its header, facilitating navigation through items and indicating the presence of tabs beyond the currently visible area.


Text Input Layout

Multiselection support

The .NET MAUI Text Input Layout now supports multiselection, enabling users to display multiple items in both Autocomplete and ComboBox modes.

.NET MAUI TextInputLayout

Time Picker

Text display modes

This feature allows users to customize the Time Picker text for visual clarity. The text display modes are default, fade, shrink, and fade and shrink.

.NET MAUI Time Picker

Clear selection

This feature changes the selected time type to nullable type to allow clearing the selection.

.NET MAUI Time Picker

Word Library

Mathematical equation to LaTeX

The .NET Word Library (DocIO) now includes an API to extract LaTeX code from mathematical equation in Word documents. Additionally, users can modify existing equations using the LaTeX code.

With this feature, users can convert mathematical equations from Word documents to LaTeX, and integrate them into LaTeX-based equation editors.

Math to LaTeX in .NET MAUI

Word-to-PDF and image conversion enhancements

The Syncfusion Word Library includes the following enhancements when converting any Word document to a PDF file:

  • Right-to-left text: Enhanced rendering of columns and table of contents to preserve the right-to-left direction as the original Word document.
  • Mathematical equations: Improved preservation of mathematical equations and their alignments during PDF and image conversion.
  • Chart error bars: Error bars are preserved exactly as they appear in the input Word document when converted to PDF or images, and when converting charts to images.

Chart error bars in .NET MAUI

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