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The .NET MAUI Scheduler (SfScheduler) has nine built-in configurable view modes that provide basic functionality for scheduling, managing, and representing appointments efficiently. It is redesigned with a clean and convenient user interface for custom working days and hours, and basic calendar operations such as date navigation and selection.

Different scheduler views

A wide range of built-in view modes are available: day, week, workweek, month, timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, timeline month, and agenda.

Day view in the.NET MAUI Scheduler


Week view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler


Workweek view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler


Month view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler


Timeline day view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline day

Timeline week view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline week

Timeline work week view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline workweek

Timeline month view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline month

Agenda view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler



Render recurring, all-day, and spanned appointments to visualize your schedule and events easily. Appointments contain information on events scheduled at specific times. In addition to default appointments, users can use their own collections to connect a business entity to an appointment by mapping their fields, such as start time, end time, subject, notes, and recurrence.

Day view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Week view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Work week view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Month view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline day view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline week view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline work week view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Timeline month view appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Agenda view apointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Recurring events

Easily configure recurring events on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Skip or change the occurrence of a recurring appointment.

Recurring appointments in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Appointment rescheduling

Quickly reschedule an appointment in any view by dragging and dropping it within the Scheduler to change its date, time, or duration.

Appointment drag and drop in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Time zone

Regardless of the time zone in the device, users can set the required time zone for the scheduler as well as its events.

Time zone in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Load more appointments

Load a large number of appointments dynamically with a loading indicator based on the visible date range that improves the appointment loading performance.

Load appointments on demand in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Agenda view

Display the appointments (normal, all day, recurring, and span) in a chronological order, grouped by date.

Agenda view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Resource view

Group appointments based on the resources associated with them in the timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, and timeline month views.

Resource view in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Calendar types

Ues different types of calendars such as Gregorian, Hebrew, Hijri, Korean, Persian, ROC, Thai lunar, Japanese, and Umm al-Qura.

Calendar types in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Special time regions

Disable interaction and selection for certain time ranges. This is useful if you want to block user interactions during holidays or other special events and highlight those time spaces.

Special regions in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Customize visible days and weeks

Number of weeks visible in the .NET MAUI Scheduler month view

Customize visbile weeks in month view

Customize the week number visible in the month view. By default, the Scheduler displays six weeks in the month view.

Number of days visible in the .NET MAUI Scheduler timeslot views

Customize visible days in time slot views

Customize the number of days visible in the day, week, workweek, timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views.

Flexible working days

Customize the work days in a workweek to hide the remaining days from the calendar view.

Flexible working days in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Date restriction

Selectable day predicate in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Blackout dates

Disable any date in the Scheduler to make them inactive. Easily prevent the selection of weekends and holidays by disabling them.

Date restriction in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Minimum and maximum dates

Prevent navigation beyond specified minimum and maximum dates. This restricts users from selecting certain dates outside the time range specified.

Appearance customization

Provide a unique look to your scheduler with appearance customization by using the data template support for the following Scheduler UI.

  • Month cell
  • Appointments
  • View header
  • Header
  • Special time region

Appearance customization in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Right to left (RTL)

The .NET MAUI Scheduler supports displaying the Scheduler component from right to left for users working with RTL languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

Right to left layout direction in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

Localization and globalization

Display the current date and time by following the globalized date and time formats and localize all available static text.

Localization in the .NET MAUI Scheduler

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