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WPF FAQ - Drag and Drop

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Data from a Dataobject can be retrieved using the overloads of ‘GetDataPresent()’ method in the DataObject.

The following overloads can be used to retrieve the data from a DataObject.

  • GetDataPresent (DataFormat) – It first checks whether the data of the specified format is available. If so, it retrieves the data using the ‘GetData(DataFormat)’ method.
  • [C#]
  • GetDataPresent (DataFormat, auto-conversion) – It first checks whether the data of the specified format is available. If so, it retrieves the data using the ‘GetData(DataFormat)’ method. It also filters the auto-convertible data in the DataObject.
  • [C#]

    A DataObject can be created in three different overloads of the DataObject constructor.

  • DataObject (object) – In this case, appropriate DataFormat is assigned to the DataObject based on the type of data stored in the object. By default, auto-conversion option is set to ’true’.
  • [C#]
    string mystring = 'Drag and Drop String Object';
    DataObject dataobject = new DataObject(mystring);
  • DataObject (DataFormat, object) – In this case, DataFormat is mentioned when the DataObject is created.
  • [C#]
    string mystring = 'Drag and Drop String Object';
    DataObject dataobject = new DataObject(DataFormats.UnicodeText,mystring);
  • DataObject (DataFormat, Object, auto-conversion) – In this case, DataFormat, Object and Auto-Conversion Boolean value are mentioned when the DataObject is created.
  • [C#]
    string mystring = 'Drag and Drop String Object';
    DataObject dataobject = new DataObject(DataFormats.UnicodeText,mystring,false);

    The following are the some of the objects involved in the DragandDrop process.

  • Drag Source – Object from which an object is dragged from.
  • Drag Object – An object which is dragged.
  • Drag Target – Object into which the dragged object is dropped.
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