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Blazor FAQ - Hosting models

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There are two hosting models available in Blazor: Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.

Blazor Server
Server-side Blazor apps are executed on the server within an ASP.NET Core application. All UI updates, JavaScript calls, and event handling are handled from the server using a SignalR connection. On the client side, the blazor.server.js script sets up the SignalR connection with the server. The script is served to the client-side app from an embedded resource in the ASP.NET Core shared framework.

Blazor WebAssembly
Blazor WebAssembly apps are executed on the client-side in the browser. The .NET runtime is downloaded with the app along with the app assembly and any required dependencies, then the application is executed directly from the browser UI thread. The WebAssembly app static assets are loaded as static files to a web server or service capable of serving static content to clients. The blazor.webassembly.js script handles downloading the app, the app’s dependencies, and the .NET runtime. The script file also initializes the runtime to run the app.

Refer to this documentation section to help you choose a Blazor hosting model.


Blazor application renders UI as HTML content in client-side (browser). So, you can determine whether it is a Desktop, or a Mobile device based on the viewport’s width.

The meta tag named “viewport” is used to design the webpage responsiveness and this is included in all Blazor applications, _Host.cshtml file in Blazor server-side application and index.html file in Blazor Web Assembly application. CSS styling makes designs responsive in Blazor apps.

Blazor app with responsive

Another way, you can create a responsive design using media queries that adjusts to the size of the user’s screen based on desktop or mobile browser.

For example, you define breakpoints for small, medium, and large screen sizes.  

    /* Default styles */ 
    @media (max-width: 576px) { 
        /* Styles for small screens */ 

    @media (min-width: 577px) and (max-width: 992px) { 
        /* Styles for medium screens */ 

    @media (min-width: 993px) { 
        /* Styles for large screens */ 

For more details, refer to this link.


To reconnect the Blazor server automatically you need to include the following code in the script of the Blazor application. This will refresh the Blazor server automatically when it is up again.


   Blazor.defaultReconnectionHandler._reconnectCallback = function(d) {
  • Server-side Blazor is executed on the server within an ASP.NET Core application.
  • All UI updates, event handling, and JavaScript calls are handled from server by using a SignalR connection, even a button click will go to server.

For more information regarding Blazor client-side and server-side apps, check this link.

  • Client-side Blazor makes use of WebAssembly, which is used to run high-level languages on browsers.
  • Necessary .NET WebAssembly-related code and its dependencies are downloaded to the browser, and the app is executed directly on the browser UI thread.
  • All UI updates and event handling occur within the same process.


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