bug pivot angular

good morning,  i have implemented the module  ejs-pivotfieldlist, but when  i hover the mouse in the elements of list, i can see the bug, the element (which is made hover event) a gray background appears ,i hope hope can help me, thanks

3 Replies

SN Sivamathi Natarajan Syncfusion Team January 22, 2020 11:27 AM UTC

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We suspect that this issue occurred due to other styles overridden EJ2 control. So, could you please share your sample to us that replicating the reported problem. This would be very helpful to analyze the problem at our end and provide you the solution at earliest. 
Please let us know if you have concern. 

AF anthony florez January 23, 2020 04:24 PM UTC

thanks for the answer, if it was indeed a css file that was overlapping the module css

SN Sivamathi Natarajan Syncfusion Team January 24, 2020 08:51 AM UTC

Hi anthony, 
Yes, it is because of CSS overlapping. As we told you in our previous update, kindly share us your sample to replicate the issue at our end. This would be helpful for us to procced further. 

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