The property 'AutoGenerateItems' was not found in type 'SfDataForm'.

Trying to follow example Working with DataForm - Adding DataFormItems through XAML. currently using nuget Sfdataform

2 errors happen
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XLS0413 The property 'AutoGenerateItems' was not found in type 'SfDataForm'. Edsembli.K212.Mobile ItemDetailPage.xaml 66
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error XLS0415 The attachable property 'Items' was not found in type 'SfDataForm'. Edsembli.K212.Mobile ItemDetailPage.xaml 67

<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm" AutoGenerateItems="false"> 
                    <dataForm:DataFormTextItem Name="Name" Editor="Text"/> 
                    <dataForm:DataFormTextItem Name="Password" Editor="Password"/> 
                    <dataForm:DataFormMaskedEditTextItem Name="Phone" Editor="MaskedEditText"/> 
                    <dataForm:DataFormTextItem Name="Address" Editor="MultilineText"/> 
                    <dataForm:DataFormDateItem Name="BirthTime" Editor="Date"/> 

4 Replies

JE Jean-Marc March 19, 2019 04:28 PM UTC

Found the same issue!
Also, <dataForm:SfDataForm.Items> is not there either.

Is this part of a new update? I would look forward for such a feature.

DY Deivaselvan Y Syncfusion Team March 20, 2019 07:24 AM UTC

Hi Mario and Jean, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have analyzed your queries “AutoGenerateItem property not found DataForm”, “Items was not found in DataForm” and we have introduced these properties in our latest Volume 1 beta release (v17.1.0.32), hence it doesn’t work with the previous versions, kindly update to our latest version by using the following link.  
We hope that this helps you, kindly revert us if you have any concern. 



JE Jean-Marc March 21, 2019 01:39 PM UTC

Thank you Deivaselvan,

When is this version officially going out?

DY Deivaselvan Y Syncfusion Team March 22, 2019 11:02 AM UTC

Hi Mario,

You are welcome. We will let you know once 2019 Volume 1 main release has been rolled out which is expected to be available by end of March 2019.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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