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WinForms FAQ - Colors

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Alpha-blending refers to allowing a background color to show through a particular color. You use the static Color.FromArgb method to create a alpha-blended color. For example,

SolidBrush redBrushSolid = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0));
SolidBrush redBrushMedium = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(120, 255, 0, 0));
SolidBrush redBrushLight = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 255, 0, 0));

creates three red brushes. The first argument is the alpha-blending value, from 0 to 255. The last three arguments are the RGB values, denoting in this case, red. In the picture below, all three circles use the color red, but each circle has a different alpha blending setting, allowing the white background to show through.


Here are a couple of routines that might do what you want. ColorToString
takes a color and represents it as a string that then can be passed into its
companion StringToColor routine that will take the string back into a color.
I think it works with all types of colors. You can download a test project.

public string ColorToString(Color c)
  string s = c.ToString();
  s = s.Split(new char[]{’[’,’]’})[1];
  string[] strings = s.Split(new char[]{’=’,’,’});
  if(strings.GetLength(0) > 7)
    s = strings[1] + '','' + strings[3] + '','' + strings[5] + '','' + strings[7];
  return s;

public Color StringToColor(string s)
  return (Color)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color)).ConvertFromString(s); 

Jon Skeet provided this solution in the MS Windows Forms News Group.

double greyLevel = original.R * 0.299 + original.G * 0.587 + original.B * 0.144;
if (greyLevel > 255)
    greyLevel = 255;

Color desaturated = new Color.FromArgb((byte)greyLevel, (byte)greyLevel, (byte)greyLevel);

Dim greyLevel As Double = original.R * 0.299 + original.G * 0.587 + original.B * 0.144
If greyLevel > 255 Then
    greyLevel = 255
End If

Dim desaturated As New Color.FromArgb(CByte(greyLevel), CByte(greyLevel), CByte(greyLevel)) 

Here is a routine that will let you do this. The code below uses the routine from our previous faq how to translate a HSB color to RGB color.

		/// <summary>
		/// Adjusts the specified Fore Color’s brightness based on the specified back color and preferred contrast.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="foreColor">The fore Color to adjust.
		/// <param name="backColor">The back Color for reference.
		/// <param name="prefContrastLevel">Preferred contrast level.
		/// <remarks>
		/// This method checks if the current contrast in brightness between the 2 colors is 
		/// less than the specified contrast level. If so, it brigtens or darkens the fore color appropriately.
		/// </remarks>
		public static void AdjustForeColorBrightnessForBackColor(ref Color foreColor, Color backColor, float prefContrastLevel)
			float fBrightness = foreColor.GetBrightness();
			float bBrightness = backColor.GetBrightness();

			float curContrast = fBrightness - bBrightness;
			float delta = prefContrastLevel - (float)Math.Abs(curContrast);

			if((float)Math.Abs(curContrast) < prefContrastLevel)
				if(bBrightness < 0.5f)
					fBrightness = bBrightness + prefContrastLevel;
					if(fBrightness > 1.0f)
						fBrightness = 1.0f;
					fBrightness = bBrightness - prefContrastLevel;
					if(fBrightness < 0.0f)
						fBrightness = 0.0f;

				float newr, newg, newb;
				ConvertHSBToRGB(foreColor.GetHue(), foreColor.GetSaturation(), fBrightness, out newr, out newg, out newb);

				foreColor = Color.FromArgb(foreColor.A, (int)Math.Floor(newr * 255f),
					(int)Math.Floor(newg * 255f),
					(int)Math.Floor(newb * 255f));
   ’/ <summary>
   ’/ Adjusts the specified Fore Color’s brightness based on the specified back color and preferred contrast.
   ’/ </summary>
   ’/ <param name="foreColor">The fore Color to adjust.
   ’/ <param name="backColor">The back Color for reference.
   ’/ <param name="prefContrastLevel">Preferred contrast level.
   ’/ <remarks>
   ’/ This method checks if the current contrast in brightness between the 2 colors is 
   ’/ less than the specified contrast level. If so, it brigtens or darkens the fore color appropriately.
   ’/ </remarks>
   Public Shared Sub AdjustForeColorBrightnessForBackColor(ByRef foreColor As Color, backColor As Color, prefContrastLevel As Single)
      Dim fBrightness As Single = foreColor.GetBrightness()
      Dim bBrightness As Single = backColor.GetBrightness()
      Dim curContrast As Single = fBrightness - bBrightness
      Dim delta As Single = prefContrastLevel - System.Convert.ToSingle(Math.Abs(curContrast))
      If System.Convert.ToSingle(Math.Abs(curContrast)) < prefContrastLevel Then
         If bBrightness < 0.5F Then
            fBrightness = bBrightness + prefContrastLevel
            If fBrightness > 1F Then
               fBrightness = 1F
            End If
            fBrightness = bBrightness - prefContrastLevel
            If fBrightness < 0F Then
               fBrightness = 0F
            End If
         End If 
         Dim newr, newg, newb As Single
         ConvertHSBToRGB(foreColor.GetHue(), foreColor.GetSaturation(), fBrightness, newr, newg, newb)
         foreColor = Color.FromArgb(foreColor.A, Fix(Math.Floor((newr * 255F))), Fix(Math.Floor((newg * 255F))), Fix(Math.Floor((newb * 255F))))
      End If
   End Sub ’AdjustForeColorBrightnessForBackColor

Here is a routine that does this. Note that the conversion is not precise but very close. (Please do post any better algorithm in our forums).

		// This does not seem to yield accurate results, but very close.
		public static void ConvertHSBToRGB(float h, float s, float v, out float r, out float g, out float b)
			if (s == 0f)
				// if s = 0 then h is undefined
				r = v;
				g = v;
				b = v;
				float hue = (float)h;
				if (h == 360.0f)
					hue = 0.0f;
				hue /= 60.0f;
				int i = (int)Math.Floor((double)hue);
				float f = hue - i;
				float p = v * (1.0f - s);
				float q = v * (1.0f - (s * f));
				float t = v * (1.0f - (s * (1 - f)));

					case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;
					case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;
					case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;
					case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;
					case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
					case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;

					default: r = 0.0f; g = 0.0f; b = 0.0f; break; /*Trace.Assert(false);*/ // hue out of range
Public Shared Sub ConvertHSBToRGB(h As Single, s As Single, v As Single, ByRef r As Single, ByRef g As Single, ByRef b As Single)
      If s = 0F Then
         ’ if s = 0 then h is undefined
         r = v
         g = v
         b = v
         Dim hue As Single = System.Convert.ToSingle(h)
         If h = 360F Then
            hue = 0F
         End If
         hue /= 60F
         Dim i As Integer = Fix(Math.Floor(System.Convert.ToDouble(hue)))
         Dim f As Single = hue - i
         Dim p As Single = v *(1F - s)
         Dim q As Single = v *(1F - s * f)
         Dim t As Single = v *(1F - s *(1 - f))
         Select Case i
            Case 0
               r = v
               g = t
               b = p
            Case 1
               r = q
               g = v
               b = p
            Case 2
               r = p
               g = v
               b = t
            Case 3
               r = p
               g = q
               b = v
            Case 4
               r = t
               g = p
               b = v
            Case 5
               r = v
               g = p
               b = q
            Case Else
               r = 0F
               g = 0F
               b = 0F ’Trace.Assert(false);
         ’ hue out of range
         End Select
      End If
   End Sub ’ConvertHSBToRGB

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