Challenge and Solution
CGG is a company that has been using Syncfusion for quite a while and has built two apps with Essential Studio® controls. Jiahong Weng has been a senior developer with the company for the last year and the app he works on primarily manages and displays data, helping enterprise customers visualize their data.
The Syncfusion DataGrid control takes center stage in this task. Weng said he is a fan of the DataGrid’s vast API functionality, which makes it easy to customize and use. He also appreciates the wide variety of controls available in the suite.
“Syncfusion is a very powerful toolkit,” said Weng. “It has almost every component, from tiny components like a CheckBox, to bigger items like a File Explorer. Compared with other solutions, Syncfusion has more components, so we don’t have to worry about putting together lots of different solutions that look different.”
CGG started out with JavaScript 1 controls, but they are currently in the process of migrating their app to Essential Studio® for Angular, to make it easier to work with the other jQuery libraries they use. Weng says the transition was easy to make and is going smoothly.
After Weng’s team finishes the migration, they have full intentions to continue using Syncfusion tools in future projects. He’s looking forward to seeing what the next quarterly release offers.
- Lots of controls for a consistent UI.
- Easy migration between platforms.
- Feature-rich controls.