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Syncfusion Essential Studio 2022 Volume 1 is Here!

Syncfusion Essential Studio 2022 Volume 1 is Here!

Syncfusion is thrilled to roll out our first major release of 2022: Essential Studio 2022 Volume 1. Like other major releases, Essential Studio 2022 Volume 1 is packed with a new set of controls, features, and bug fixes.

Here’s a brief description of the major highlights for each platform.



  • Load more templates in both the Autocomplete and ComboBox controls.
  • PDF Viewer now supports the following:
    • Enable and disable moving and resizing annotations.
    • Get the exact coordinates where the user interacts with the control.

Note: These features are also applicable for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS.


  • With the new Windows platform support, you can now view PDF documents seamlessly and efficiently using the Flutter PDF Viewer on Windows devices.
  • The Flutter Charts can now:
    • Display chart series tooltips and trackball tooltips right to left.
    • Support localization, where the built-in text in the legend and tooltips are translated automatically based on the current locale.
  • Customize the number of days displayed in the day, week, workweek, timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views of the Calendar.
  • The DataGrid now allows users to set a custom icon to indicate the sorting order.
  • The Flutter Excel Library now supports:
    • Data validation restricts entering data of an invalid type into a cell.
    • Creating tables in worksheets with a header row, banded rows and columns, a total row, and built-in styles.

Document processing libraries

  • You can now convert Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to PDF in Blazor WASM applications. This is an experimental feature.
  • The PDF Library now supports compressing existing PDFs, converting PDF to PDF/A, extracting images from PDFs, and replacing images in .NET MAUI and WinUI applications.
  • The Word-to-PDF conversion library includes the following enhancements in the conversion process:
    • Preserve a picture used as a fill for a shape as it is in an input Word document.
    • Improved rendering for Thai and Chinese characters.
    • Improved symbol font rendering in Linux distributions.
  • The Flutter PDF Library now supports extracting RTL language text such as Arabic and Hebrew from PDF documents.

Essential JS 2

  • All the Essential JS 2 components support both light and dark versions of the new Fluent theme designed based on the official Microsoft Fluent Design System standard to handle styles, fonts, and icons.
  • A new Carousel control displays a collection of items one at a time like a slideshow.
  • The Signature component has been developed to meet industry standards and is now marked as production-ready.
  • The Word Processor now supports:
    • Comment-only restriction, which allows reviewers to view the document and add their suggestions as comments but they cannot modify the content of the document.
    • Paragraph auto spacing, which allows the user to set the spacing before and after paragraphs automatically in a Word document.
    • Customizable screen tips for hyperlinks in a Word document.
  • The PDF Viewer can now be deployed to Linux and Mac systems with the .NET 6.0 framework.
  • Legends in Charts now get wrapped to multiple rows when they overflow their container.
  • The File Manager now supports:
    • A sortable navigation pane to sort files either in ascending or descending order.
    • A sort-by option to sort and display files based on various fields like name, size, and date modified in both the detail and large-icon views.


  • All the Blazor controls support both light and dark versions of the new Fluent theme designed based on the official Microsoft Fluent Design System standard to handle styles, fonts, and icons.
  • The new Blazor Carousel control displays a collection of objects one at a time and comes with various built-in features such as animations, templates, RTL, persistence, accessibility, keyboard interaction, and responsiveness.
  • The Blazor Signature component has been developed to meet industry standards and is now marked as production-ready.
  • Blazor Charts have been improved with enhancements in:
    • Keyboard accessibility.
    • Tooltip appearances.
    • Customizing the padding and spacing of UI elements.
  • The initial loading performance of the Blazor Gantt component has been increased by 3 times.
  • The initial loading performance and CRUD actions in the Blazor Scheduler have been improved by approximately 3 times in Blazor WebAssembly apps.


  • All WinUI controls are updated to the latest Windows 11 style.
  • You can now drag and drop rows in the DataGrid and TreeGrid controls to rearrange them.
  • The Ribbon control now supports smart resizing for its elements.


  • The PDF Viewer has been enhanced to:
    • Render a PDF document 70% faster than before.
    • Search for text in a PDF document 90% faster than before.


The features listed here are just some of the highlights in our Essential Studio 2022 Volume 1 release. You can check out all the features in our release notes and on the What’s New pages.

Try out these features and share your feedback as comments on this blog. You can also reach us through our support forums,  support portal or feedback portal.

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