Sneak Peek at 2021 Volume 3: Essential JS 2 | Syncfusion Blogs
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Sneak Peek at 2021 Volume 3: Essential JS 2

Sneak Peek at 2021 Volume 3: Essential JS 2

Syncfusion is getting closer to another major release for this year that with have some exciting features. The 2021 volume 3 release is expected to roll out at the end of September. In this blog, we’ll see the new features, component, and themes that will be available in the Essential JS 2 (JavaScript) UI controls library for the 2021 Volume 3 release.

New Bootstrap v5.0 theme for all JS 2 components

We will add a new Bootstrap v5.0 theme support to all the Essential JS 2 components in the 2021 Volume 3 release.  This theme has been developed based on the official Bootstrap v5 standard to handle styles, fonts, and icons. The form component’s float label and the appearance of the Accordion component were also updated.

New Bootstrap v5.0 theme
New Bootstrap v5.0 theme

Breadcrumb (preview)

The new Breadcrumb component is a graphical user interface that identifies or highlights the current location within the hierarchical structure of a website. It covers all the required features that work in real-time cases:

  • Breadcrumb with overflow
  • Bind to location
  • Active last Breadcrumb
  • Template and customization

GraphQL adaptor in data manager

This feature will allow users to fetch data and perform actions like CRUD, filtering, and sorting using the GraphQL APIs of the Data Manager. So, the Essential JS 2 components that support Data Manager will have an option to perform data manipulation through the GraphQL adaptor.


The DataGrid will deliver these useful features in the Essential JS 2 2021 Volume 3 release.

Sticky header

You can fix the header position when scrolling the document to visualize the DataGrid content along with the column header.

Sticky Header in DataGrid
Sticky Header in DataGrid

Infinite scroll with keyboard navigation

You can enjoy the keyboard accessibility support for infinite scrolling up and down using the shortcut (up and down arrow) keys.

Infinite Scroll with Keyboard Navigation in DataGrid
Infinite Scroll with Keyboard Navigation in DataGrid

Pivot Table measures

In relational data sources, place measures at different positions in the row or column axis through code or user interaction via the grouping bar and field list.

Pivot Table Supporting Measures at Different Positions in Axis
Pivot Table Supporting Measures at Different Positions in Axis

Word Processor

The Word Processor will have these exciting new features in the Essential JS 2 2021 Volume 3 release.

Preserve table position

This feature will enable you to preserve tables with their position properties when viewing a Word document.

Preserving Table Position in Word Processor
Preserving Table Position in Word Processor

Paragraph pagination

You can enable or disable the following pagination properties for the paragraphs in a Word document:

  • Widow/Orphan control
  • Keep with next
  • Keep lines together
Paragraph Pagination Properties in Word Processor
Paragraph Pagination Properties in Word Processor

Text measuring improvement

There will be an improvement in the accuracy of text size measurements such as to match the Microsoft Word pagination for most Word documents.

Server-side library enhancements

The server-side library will support the following features:

  • Option to directly convert DocIO’s Word Document to SFDT and vice-versa.
  • SFDT-to-Word conversion in Java server-side library.
  • New spell checker library for Java.

Custom template in Dropdown Tree

This feature will allow users to visualize a custom template instead of the selected item text in the Dropdown Tree.

Custom Template in Dropdown Tree
Custom Template in Dropdown Tree

Responsive Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart’s responsiveness will be based on the client browser’s or parent container’s width and height.

Responsive Gantt Chart
Responsive Gantt Chart

Enter key customization in Rich Text Editor

This feature will allow us to customize the tags appended when Enter or Shift + Enter keys are pressed using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey properties, respectively, in the Rich Text Editor.

Chart with fixed column width

From the Essential JS 2 2021 Volume 3 release onward, you can set a fixed column width size in rectangular chart types like bar, range column, and column.

Chart with Fixed Column Width
Chart with Fixed Column Width

Query Builder UI supports complex data binding

You can create subfields for columns in the Query Builder UI by specifying either a complex data source or nested columns. It will also render a dropdown tree for the field option to select nested columns.

Query Builder Supporting Complex Data Binding with Dropdown Tree
Query Builder Supporting Complex Data Binding with Dropdown Tree

PDF Viewer

You can see considerable performance enhancements in the PDF Viewer while zooming page content. Also, you can customize the signature dialog to show any kind of signature action like draw, type, and image.

Signature Dialog with Custom Options in PDF Viewer
Signature Dialog with Custom Options in PDF Viewer


The Scheduler will support these features in the Essential JS 2 2021 Volume 3 release.

Header indent template

This feature will provide a template option to indent the header cells.

Header Indent Template in Scheduler
Header Indent Template in Scheduler

Custom sort comparer

Users can customize the default sort action for overlapping appointments by writing their sorting logic.


We will include these essential features in the Spreadsheet control.

Autofill feature

Easily fill or copy a series or pattern of values and formats into the adjacent cells in any direction.

Autofill Feature in Spreadsheet
Autofill Feature in Spreadsheet

Password protection for worksheets

This feature will allow you to protect a worksheet by encrypting it with a password.

Password Protection for Worksheets
Password Protection for Worksheets

Formula values in data validation input

You can provide formula values in data validation input while applying data validation in a spreadsheet.

Formula Values in Data Validation Input
Formula Values in Data Validation Input

Custom number formatting

Easily customize the display format of numbers, dates, times, percentages, and currency values.

Custom Number Formatting in Spreadsheet
Custom Number Formatting in Spreadsheet

Utility function in Toast

You can show a simple Toast in any place using the utility function.

Freeze columns in Tree Grid

Freeze columns in the Tree Grid on the left, right, or both sides.

Freezing Columns in Tree Grid
Freezing Columns in Tree Grid


Thanks for reading! I hope you are looking forward to the exciting and user-friendly new features that will be available in our upcoming Essential JS 2 2021 Volume 3 release. Stay tuned to our official TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn pages for announcements about the release.

If you want us to add any other feature or control to our Essential JS 2 platform, please let us know in the comment section below. You can also contact us through our support forumsDirect-Trac, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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