Master Details with odata, add button and default value

Hi guys,

I have a master and datails data with two odatav4 endpoints working.

I'd like AllowAdding="true" in GridEditSettings of a details grid, my queastion is, how to add a value on a new datail record with the key of a master table?


1 Reply

PS Prathap Senthil Syncfusion Team March 23, 2023 01:18 AM UTC

Hi Cristian,
Based on your requirement, we would like to inform you that adding operations on the grid will only occur based on the primary key value. Therefore, if you have any column in the detail grid, please set a unique value column for it. To help you further, we have created a simple sample based on your scenario which we have attached for your reference. We recommend that you follow our suggestion and ensure this scenario from your side. 
If you are still facing difficulties, kindly get back to us with a simple issue reproducing a sample so that we can proceed further.


Prathap S


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