Use template string to the pdf document such as {{name}} which would be populated by the angular client before the user was asked to sign. Can this be done? |
The populate should trigger manually if we click the text box or signing region contain the template string or once the document has been loaded into the PDF viewer control. Please provide more details about your requirement if the details are differ from your requirement. |
Alternatively can we have the user prompted to complete all of the required fields on the document and have those answers sent to our client for saving to the db?
If you want to validate the form fields are filled or not using our EJ2 PDF viewer control. At present we do not provide support for it. However, we have already plan to implement the same and it will be included in our Volume 4 SP1 release which is available on end of January, 2020.
Please provide more details if the above provided details are not meet your requirements. |
Can we do something like docusign where the page scrolls to the correct area for signing or data entry.
Can you please provide more details about your requirement whether the signature field was focused after loading the PDF document which contain the fields or you mentioning different use cases from the above details? |
Can you please provide more details about your requirement whether the signature field was focused after loading the PDF document which contain the fields or you mentioning different use cases from the above details?
Query |
Details |
I'm asking if we can somehow add template codes into the PDF somehow (i.e. search and replace or text label/id etc.) so that the PDF text can be customised so that it contains the correct contract details (price, quantity etc.) We do NOT want the customer to have to enter this themselves. Note I am not referrring to form fields, but to the PDF text itself. |
Currently, the PDF viewer do not support editing and saving the texts in the PDF document. The feature “Editing and saving the text in the PDF document” does not come under the scope of the PDF viewer control and we are focusing only on displaying the PDF document and manipulating annotations in it. We do not have any plans to implement the support for editing and saving texts in the PDF documents.
Can we autoscroll the user to the next required form field (this is not the same requirement as above.) |
Can you please provide more details about your requirement and the use case scenario?
These details will be helpful for us to investigate further on your requirement and assist you better. |
Can we re-populate the form fields (i.e. set default text or checkboxes)? |
We can re-populate the form fields by importing and exporting the form fields. We have created a simple PDF Viewer service and angular sample for importing and exporting the form fields.
Service :
Note: In the provided sample the json file which is imported on clicking the importformfields button will be placed in the service project location.
We can import the data only for the same PDF document . For other PDF document you have the export the data for that specific document and import the same by specifying the exported Json file location inside the ImportFormFields method. |
If yes to (1 )can we lock those form fields? |
We don’t have support for lock the form fields. Can you please provide the more details about this query, that you need to make the form fields as read-only or un-editable. |
When the user clicks an external button can the form be validated to see if they have missed any required fields on the PDF, and then auto scroll to them if they have (including the signature box? ) |
At present we don’t have support for validating the required form fields on PDF and also for auto scroll to the unedited form fields. But we have support for validating the entire form fields on downloading the PDF documents. So we will analysis further and update you with more details on January 27th 2020. |