Hi Bert,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We have checked you query ("0x800a1391 - Javascript runtime error: '$' is undefined"). The reported issue will arise when jQuery script is not referred in your project. To resolve your reported issue, you need to refer the jQuery script properly in your project.
We have prepared sample with Syncfusion EJ DatePicker. Kindly refer to the below link for the sample.
If you still facing any difficulties refer the below KB documentation link to resolve your problem.
Refer the below documentation link to know about configuring EJ components in ASP.NET application.
If the reported problem still persist, share us more details like the following listed below.
· List of EJ Controls used in your application and mention issue detail if it arises from particular EJ control.
· Screenshot or video sample of the issue.
· If possible, update the above attached sample by replicating the issue.
This information would help us to isolate the root cause of the issue and provide the prompt solution at the earliest.
Shameer Ali Baig S.