Issue with Navigation Dawer using with shell in xamarin forms

I'm using navigation drawer on the bottom side of the app with shell in xamarin forms and my scenario is that when i scroll down my collectionview, i disable the bottom tabbar of shell to insure maximum space to be available and when i scroll up, then i do the vice versa( again enable the shell bottom tabbar).
     Its ok when i scroll up but when scroll down and disable shell bottom tabbar and navigation drawer revealed out behind the bottom tabbar. So can you please tell me that how can i solve it. Thanks in advance!



3 Replies

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team December 31, 2019 10:20 AM UTC

Hi Future Tech,

Greetings from Syncfusion.
We would like you to explain you that SfNavigationDrawer is used for creating navigation pane in an application. Could please provide the below details 
1.      The use case for adding the navigation drawer to the bottom of the app.  
2.      Whether drawer must be visible when loading the items in the page  
3.      If the drawer must be collapsed when it has to be visible. 
So, we can get clear idea of your requirement that you are trying to achieve with navigation drawer. 

FT Future Tech December 31, 2019 12:45 PM UTC

Use case:
Actually I'm trying to design pinterest like app in which every picture has three dotted icon at its blow side. So whenever we click on this icon, a drawer slide up from the bottom of the app containing some info related to the item clicked. So, for this situation SfNavigationDrawer is perfectly suiting for me. If I use SfNavigationDrawer in Navigation Page instead of shell, then everything is working well. The problem comes when I use Xamarin forms shell. when I disable xamarin forms shell bottom tabbar to increase screen space, the tabbar disappears and as expected main content page should cover the space released by shell tabbar but this is not happening rather SfNavigationDrawer is blocking main content from expanding.

My Assumption about the issue: I think the problem is that when main content page in shell is expanded to cover the space released by bottom tabbar , then SfNavigationDrawer  should reposition its height

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team January 3, 2020 11:39 AM UTC

Hi Future Tech,

Thanks for your update. 

We have analyzed the reported issue of "Issue with Navigation Drawer using with shell in Xamarin Forms" from our side and we have also prepared the sample based on the given UI to reproduce the same. But we are unable to reproduce the issue from our side. Please find the prepared sample from the below link.
If you are still facing the reported issue, please update us the issue reproducing sample and platform of the issue occurs which will help us to provide further solutions on this.  

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