RowAutoHeight curious behavior

I Want to Adjust scheduler RowAutoHeight programmatically, I'm using TimeLine Views
When loaded every thing is OK

but when unclicked in my checkbox nothing show 

but if I click on link I Have this without any labeled information

I joint my code file.

Chimène NK.

Attachment: NKCBlazorCode_9b41898b.7z

4 Replies

NR Nevitha Ravi Syncfusion Team October 16, 2019 02:22 PM UTC

Hi Nkouambia, 

Greetings from Syncfusion Support. 

Q: Appointements not show 
We were unable to reproduce the reported problem at our end and for the same we have prepared a sample with your shared code which can be downloaded from the following link, please check the sample and revert us back the browser details or try to reproduce the issue in the above sample if still face the issue. 

Q: no information in the event 
We could reproduce the reported problem “Event template not working for events within more indicator popup” and confirm this as a defect. For the same we have logged a bug report which can be tracked from the following link. 

The fix will be included in our bi-weekly patch release expected to be rolled out in the October end. We would appreciate your patience until then. 


NC NKOUAMBIA CHIMENE October 16, 2019 03:27 PM UTC

Hello Nevitha!

When posting my Question I join a file with some code and in my scheduler I use a template. So in your example to download there isn't template, have you try with template ? And not be able to reproduce the issue, because till now I Have the same problem.
<ScheduleEventSettings DataSource="@DataSource" EnableTooltip="true" ResourceColorField="Grappes">
            <div>@((context as dynamic).Subject)</div>
            <div>Dr: @(getDrName((context as dynamic).IdRessource))</div>
            <div>De: @((context as dynamic).StartTime.ToString("hh:mm")) A: @((context as dynamic).EndTime.ToString("hh:mm"))</div>

Chimène Nk.

NR Nevitha Ravi Syncfusion Team October 18, 2019 01:30 PM UTC

Hi Nkouambia, 

Thanks for your update. 

Hi Nkouambia, 

Thanks for your update. 

We have checked with template at our end previously, since we had issue with template we haven’t include the code in our shared sample. When RowAutoHeight property is false, appointment height should be 21px less than workcell height in order to render more indicator icon. In the shared code, you have appointment’s height which is only 2px less than your workcell height. This will result in the reported problem ‘appointments not showing’ when RowAutoHeight property is false. Please make the appointment height to 21px less than workcell by either increasing the workcell height or decreasing the appointment height as in our previously shared sample. 


NR Nevitha Ravi Syncfusion Team December 19, 2019 06:01 AM UTC

Hi Nkouambia,

The issue “event template not applied to events within more event container” has been fixed in our Volume 4, 2019 main release (v17.4.39). Please upgrade to our latest version to avail the fix. 

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