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Why do all your librairies Stop Working everytime there's a new version of VS or/and .Net Core ???

This has happened several times since we're looking into using Syncfusion with Blazor.
Every time there's an update from Microsoft, Syncfusion project can't compile anymore.
These Syncfusion Blazor libraires don't seem stable...
Is there a way to using these libraires that is less time consuming?

16 Replies

SM Saranya Murugasamy Syncfusion Team October 1, 2019 11:29 AM UTC

Hi Patrick Lapointe, 

Greetings from Syncfusion.  

We suspect that this issue occurs due to any one or more following configurations are missing in your machine. 

  1. Incompatible .NET version

We would like to let you know that, Syncfusion Blazor latest version ( is compatible with latest version of .NET Core 3.0. So, we suggest you to upgrade the .NET Core 3.0 SDK in your machine to resolve the reported issue. 

  1. Script and CSS reference are not configured properly
You may haven’t correctly configured our scripts and CSS files properly in your application. We suggest you to recheck the below client resources in your application end and ensure the same version of NuGet version is referenced for the scripts and CSS files also. 
If you are using Blazor server app, please add below client resource file references in '~/pages/_host.cshtml'.                           
<link rel='nofollow' href="https://cdn.syncfusion.com/ej2/17.3.10/material.css" rel="stylesheet" />    

     If you are using Blazor WebAssembly app, please add the below client resource file references in '~/wwwroot/index.html'.  

<link rel='nofollow' href="https://cdn.syncfusion.com/ej2/17.3.10/material.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="https://cdn.syncfusion.com/ej2/17.3.10/dist/ej2.min.js"></script> 

  1. Missed breaking changes

We have modified some changes in our blazor samples for each release. So, we suspected that, you might have missed some breaking changes. Please refer the below link for release notes of our blazor components.  

  1. Cache problem.
We suspect that, this issue occurred, due to the cache problem. Before restoring the nuget packages, clean the old version Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor nuget package. Please find the below steps to clean the cache.  

  1. Delete / clear the package Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor from the installed location ({system-driver}\Users\{user-name}\.nuget\packages\syncfusion.ej2.blazor).
  2. Update the latest version of Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor nuget package. 

If you are still facing the same issue, then please share the below details to us. It will be helpful for us to sort out the issue as soon as possible.  

  1. Share us the ~/pages/_host.cshtml or ~/wwwroot/index.html file.
  2. Provide us the dotnet SDK version, you can run the command line dotnet --info in the command prompt to get this.
  3. Share us the stack trace of script error from the browser console.
Saranya M 

PL Patrick Lapointe October 2, 2019 02:16 PM UTC

Hi Saranya,

We tried what you asked on 2 different PCs and it's not working.

We were able to have it partially working when creating a new project.
This isn't great, we can't start over every time there's a new version...

One of the differences between the 2 projects is that the new project had a reference to 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web' in the _Imports.razor.
The project that was working before the Syncfusion upgrade did not have this reference...
It worked fine without it before.

Are we going to have major issues like these every time there is a new version?


UH Uwe Hein October 2, 2019 04:11 PM UTC

Hi Patrick,
  this hasn't anything to do with syncfusion, but with the breaking changes Microsoft introduced, when changing to aspnet.core3 preview9.



UH Uwe Hein October 2, 2019 04:13 PM UTC

Blazor evolved from experimental to the GA release of the server-side version in Sept. 23 2019 within one year. I started with version 0.2 and every version change resulted in several or many time consuming breaking changes to my project which is in production since 0.7. The client-side part of blazor even still is in preview 9. Dealing with such a new technology is always a risk. I am really happy that syncfusion dared to offer their (beta) controlset for blazor. I think the syncfusion team is doing a great job because it always took them just a few days to bring out a corrected version after a new microsoft preview release with breaking changes. In addition to that they have a really fast responding support team. 
I can understand your frustration, but I would not blame the syncfusion team - they are doing their best. If they can keep their level of support and dedication to blazor together with blazor maturing in the next few months the toolset will be an excellent choice to work with. 

PL Patrick Lapointe October 3, 2019 09:57 AM UTC

Do you have a working version of the project 'ej2-blazor-samples' ?

UH Uwe Hein October 3, 2019 11:21 AM UTC


 yes,  I am using the last available version on github.

on Win 10 1809 together with Visual Studio 16.3.2 and dotnet core 3.0.100

Demos compile and run without any problem.



PL Patrick Lapointe October 3, 2019 11:39 AM UTC

It's failing on my end with VS 16.4.0 Preview 1.0 and .Net Core 3.0 RC1.
Problem with UriHelper?

    protected override void OnInitialized(){

  Message=Exception of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.NavigationException' was thrown.
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits.RemoteNavigationManager.NavigateToCore(String uri, Boolean forceLoad)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.NavigationManager.NavigateTo(String uri, Boolean forceLoad)
   at ej2_blazor_samples.Pages.Index.OnInitialized() in C:\ej2-blazor-samples-master_core3preview9\Pages\Index.razor:line 18
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.<RunInitAndSetParametersAsync>d__20.MoveNext()

PL Patrick Lapointe October 3, 2019 11:51 AM UTC

Then also crashes in OnAfterRender...

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        this.ListDataSource = SampleBrowser.CurrentControl;
        this.SampleList.DataSource = this.ListDataSource;
        SampleBrowser.CurrentControl.ForEach(sample =>
            if (sample.Name == SampleBrowser.CurrentSampleName)
                SampleBrowser.CurrentUrl = sample.Url;

Doesn't look like anything is working...

UH Uwe Hein October 3, 2019 01:44 PM UTC


first of all I would install core 3.0 GA (the newest version)

Visual Studio seems OK - I turned back to the NON preview version without problems - though the preview version should work as well.

In any case you should check for an update in the HELP menu of VS.

If you download the newest sample code from Syncfusion it should compile and run OK after you upgraded from RC1 to GA. Deleting bin and obj folders may also help.

If you use the Syncfusion controls in your own projects you will have to eliminate the breaking changes produced by Microsoft. Especially preview8 and preview9 had quite a number of it. Took me quite some time to fix this. Also some parts of the syncfusion controls had to be adjusted. To check this, I look for new sample code every few days on their github site to have an actual code reference or I ask for support which is responding extremely fast (compared to what I was used to)

As core 3.0 GA is out, there will not be so many changes and the situation will cool down. Next step will be core 3.1 in November and release of the client-side blazor in May 2020.



PL Patrick Lapointe October 3, 2019 02:06 PM UTC


I have LATEST versions of VS 2019 Preview, .Net Core 3, Syncfusion and the Syncfusion sample project !

It compiles but crashes at runtime in at least 2 areas !

I was told this new version of the sample project was functional.
It is not !
It should !

Does Syncfusion care to comment ?

VS Vijayanand S Syncfusion Team October 3, 2019 02:30 PM UTC

Hi Patrick, 

Sorry for the delay. There seems to be a break in the latest version of ASP.NET Core in debug mode. 


Could you please try to run a sample browser in release mode?


PL Patrick Lapointe October 3, 2019 04:49 PM UTC

Sample does run correctly in Release mode.

In Debug mode it will run if moving UriHelper from OnInitialized to OnAfterRender and commenting SampleBrowser in NavMenu as follows...

    //protected override void OnInitialized()
    //    UriHelper.NavigateTo("Grid/DefaultFunctionalities?theme=material");
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)

    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        this.ListDataSource = SampleBrowser.CurrentControl;
        this.SampleList.DataSource = this.ListDataSource;
        //SampleBrowser.CurrentControl.ForEach(sample =>
        //    if (sample.Name == SampleBrowser.CurrentSampleName)
        //    {
        //        SampleBrowser.CurrentUrl = sample.Url;
        //    }

SN Sridhar N Syncfusion Team October 5, 2019 03:52 AM UTC

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your suggestion. We have resolved the issue and update the Github Blazor samples.


Sridhar N  

PL Patrick Lapointe October 8, 2019 08:04 PM UTC

Same errors occur in your new version...
UriHelper.NavigateTo error...

SN Sridhar N Syncfusion Team October 9, 2019 08:49 PM UTC

Hi Patrick,

We have resolved the issue of running the sample browser in release mode by default which was previously targeted to debug mode. However, we have checked your solution which created problem in the left hand treeview (sample list) in initial render. We will check to resolve the issue in debug mode and update you by Oct 14, 2019  
Sridhar N 

SN Sridhar N Syncfusion Team October 14, 2019 01:13 PM UTC

Hi Patrick,

Could you please check the below link which we shared already ? 


They have said it is intended behavior by design and they have suggested how to skip the exception. Could you please follow it.  

Sridhar N

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