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SearchPreviousTextCommand only searching current page

I'm using the PDF Viewer on a Xamarin.Forms project and when invoking the SearchPreviousTextCommand it only searches within the current page and not previous pages within the document.  The SearchNextTextCommand works without a problem.

Is this the correct behaviour - my understanding from the documentation is that it should search backwards from the current page.


1 Reply

GR Gayathri Ramalingam Syncfusion Team September 27, 2019 12:22 PM UTC

Hi Phil, 
We can search previous text using ‘SearchPreviousTextCommand’ for whole document (i.e. not only for current page). We tried to reproduce the issues “Searched text does not navigates properly for previous instance using PDF Viewer” in Xamarin.Forms in v17.3.0.9, but it is working fine as expected.  
We created a video for illustrating the same and it can be downloaded from the below links, 
Kindly share the following details to analyze more on this issueand it will be helpful for us to provide solution at the earliest.   
1.       Simple sample with which the issue could be reproduced.  
2.       Replication procedure to reproduce the issue or screen shot illustrating the issue.  
3.       Android/iOS device specification with the OS version.  
4.     PDF document with which the issue could be reproduced. 
5.     Searched text details 
6.       Xamarin.Forms version. 
7.       SfPdfViewer version.  
8.       Third party assembly details if you used any.  
Note: Could you please explain briefly about your issue/requirement? It will be useful for us to investigate further on this and assist you with the better solution at the earliest.     
With Regards, 
Gayathri R 

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