insert data into database with feathers-vuex and sequelize

Hello, My project contains a syncfusion datagrid. To get data into the table I used feathersvuex. My table consists of two more tables. I also used sequelize ORM and built the relationships using associations. 
I've set up the association via ids to fetch data from the other two tables. This works fine as I want when fetching data. İ have a Syncfusion Actionbegin method and i want to execute delete, add and save actions. 

My current problem is that when I add a new row with the syncfusion Datagrid dialog, Datagride only enters the data of my main Table. It does not insert the columns in the association containing columns in my table. İt leavs the contents of this columns empty. When I refresh the page, it reads data again because it is an association over ids and prints the data of matching ids. So what I want to do is save all filled values to the database and into datagrid. But I couldn't find an example. 

How can i do this?


1 Reply

PS Pavithra Subramaniyam Syncfusion Team September 23, 2019 12:39 PM UTC

Hi Eda, 

Greetings from Syncfusion support. 

From analyzing your query, we suspect that you are handling remote data without Syncfusion adaptors. So we suggest you to use custom binding to resolve the reported problem. Please find the below documentation link for more details.  

If you still has the issue, Please provide the following details that will be helpful for us to provide a better solution as early as possible 

  1. Please bind the actionFailure event and share the error details.
  2. Share the screenshot of network tab while CRUD actions.
  3. Share the Syncfusion package version details.

Pavithra S. 

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