Data Binding in scheduler

Hi Team,

In my current application , I do have fields which needs the user interaction and other fields for application purpose for each of the appointment.

So , on creating newEvent, I am binding  the other fields with an object and storing it

// Appointment  Bound Data 
      Id: 6,
StartTime: new Date(2018, 3, 5, 6, 30),
EndTime: new Date(2018, 3, 5, 7, 30),
IsAllDay: false,
employeeId: 2,
clientId: 1,

// Data is being added to appointment in addEvent before adding to the scheduler
         service: {
serviceId: 1,
serviceName : 'Mens Hair Cut',
duration: 10,
price: 125
status: 'Scheduled',

But when updating the data
public editEvent(e) {
const eventData: { [key: string]: object } = this.scheduleObj.eventWindow.getObjectFromFormData('e-schedule-dialog');

This eventData gives only the fields associated with appointment form and newly added (status,clientName) properties disappear as they are
not part of this.scheduleObj.eventWindow;

How to bound the object to store all the data including all additional fields? Could you please let me know?

I donot want to create a separate hidden fields to store scheduler and all.

Thanks in Advance


1 Reply

HB Hareesh Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team August 28, 2019 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Amrutha, 

Greetings from Syncfusion Support. 

Kindly refer the following UG link for adding addition fields in event collections, 

Note: We provided the ‘e-field’ support only for limited JS2 Syncfusion components like datepicker, datetimepicker, dropdownlist, multiselect, checkbox and input components . For other components, you have to handle the ‘getting and setting the values to those fields’ in sample end using actionBegin and popupOpen event. 


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