I have the following code which upon an ajax save add the new saved item to a listbox. Below is my code:
$('#inclusions').ejListBox("addItem", data.inclusionText);
var newInclusion = $('#inclusions li:last-child').find('.ename');
$(newInclusion).attr("id", data.newInclusionId);
$(newInclusion).attr('data-typevalue', 0);
My listbox has the following template:
@Html.EJ().ListBox("defaultInclExcl").Width("100%").Datasource(Model.DefaultEIList).ListBoxFields(incl => incl.Text("Label").Value("TypeOfInclusionId").ID("Id")).AllowDrag(true).AllowDrop(false).Enabled(true).Template("<span class='e-icon eimg'></span><div class='ename' style='word-break:break-word' id=${Id} data-typevalue=${TypeOfInclusionId}> ${Label} </div>").ClientSideEvents(e => e.ItemDrag("GetIndex")).ClientSideEvents(e => e.ItemDragStop("validateDrag"))
The new item is being added correctly with the template, however, my previously added item of the listbox are getting the values data-typevalue and id as undefined.
I have noticed that it is when the code hits the first line, that is the addItem, which is setting the two values to undefined.
Any help please?