Winform desktop app, Net 4.6, GridGroupingControl, Add New Record = True. The new record input row is at the top of the grid. The first column is a ComboBox that I need to fill with values from a database query. The person adding the new record can then select the value from the combobox.
I've searched, tested, dug through all the docs and APIs online, loaded and explored the demos and simply can't find any examples or figure out how to populate that combo box from the results from a database query when the form is displayed and the grid is populated. Either it's so simple I'm missing it or I'm not making the connection to the multitude of options available on a gridgroupingcontrol.
The next step in this would be displaying the combo box, in a record row, with the query results AND THEN setting the selected value to the row record's value.
Any pointers, links to information and examples, or other info would be greatly appreciated.