Hi William,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
Please find the replies for your queries,
Query – 1: Need setHTML to save it back to database
You can get the RichTextEditor’s content using the following method and property.
Using the above API you can get the RTE’s content and save it. To load the saved content into RTE control, you can use the value property and set the HTML string from the saved location into the control. Since the content is HTML formatted string, the images can be saved and loaded in the control later.
Query -2 : https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/#/material/rich-text-editor/events.html will not load.
Since that particular name of the sample is modified in our latest release, the previous link is not loading at your end. You can get the same sample in the below link,
Query – 3: Do you happen to have a small sample of using the RTE inside a v-dialog? when I put it into a v-dialog it locks up the browser. I'm not sure if it is because I have added it inside a v-layout.
We have checked with v-dialog and prepared a sample to have our RichTextEditor inside the v-dialog. Also, we have v-layout and added the RTE inside that. But, we are unable to reproduce the issue you have reported. Please check with the below simple sample for reference,
Please check with the above sample and get back to us with a reproducible sample or modify the given sample to reproduce the issue.