I am trying to add a Danish culture, but the letters æ, ø and å are not displayed properly.
My charset is set to utf-8 and I don't have problems displaying these letters anywhere else on my site.
Any words I set in the Locale is displayed correctly, but special characters in the Culture are not.
Do I need to set the charset for the culture somehow?
<script src="~/scripts/ej/i18n/ej.culture.da-DK.min.js"></script>
ej.Schedule.Locale["da-DK"] = {
Day: "Dag",
Week: "Uge",
WorkWeek: "Arbejdsuge",
Month: "Måned"
Content of the ej.culture.da-DK.min.js file:
ej.addCulture("da-DK", { name: "da-DK", englishName: "Danish (Denmark)", nativeName: "Dansk (Danmark)", language: "da", numberFormat: { pattern: ["-n"], ",": ".", ".": ",", groupSizes: [3], negativeInfinity: "-uendelig", positiveInfinity: "+uendelig", percent: { pattern: ["-n%", "n%"], groupSizes: [3], ",": ".", ".": ",", symbol: "%" }, currency: { pattern: ["-n DKK", "n DKK"], groupSizes: [3], ",": ".", ".": ",", symbol: "DKK" } }, calendars: { standard: { "/": ".", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["Søndag", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag"], namesAbbr: ["Søn", "Man", "Tirs", "Ons", "Tors", "Fre", "Lør"], namesShort: ["Søn", "Man", "Tirs", "Ons", "Tors", "Fre", "Lør"] }, months: { names: ["Januar", "Februar", "Marts", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December", ""], namesAbbr: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Maj", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec", ""] }, AM: null, PM: null, patterns: { d: "dd.MM.yyyy", D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy", t: "HH:mm", T: "HH:mm:ss", f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm", F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", M: "d. MMMM" } } } });;