Dialog Forms

I don't see very much about developing advanced popup forms.  I see a little about editing and a little about alerts but I need something closer to https://codepen.io/pen/?&editable=true&editors=101 Does Syncfusion have forms or should I use something like Vuetify? 

I did find this answer in the forum https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/143538/vue-dialog-content-as-a-vue-template  But even this answer is very lacking.


1 Reply

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team April 30, 2019 03:50 AM UTC

Hello William, 

Thank you for contacting us. 

We have checked your shared codepen link. But the link contains empty codes with blank output. So, we were unable to get your exact requirement. 
In our Dialog component, we have showcased a simple application in sample browser. But we can render advanced popup forms using Dialog. Please share us your exact requirement on the advanced forms. We will provide an example or guidance to achieve it. 
Query 1: “Does Syncfusion have forms or should I use something like Vuetify?” 
We have Form validation component on vue platform. We have also added the validation rules and shown on the error message into a Form component. Kindly refer to the following UG documentation link. 
Please check the above Form validation component and let us know whether it meets your requirement. 
Query 2: “I did find this answer in the forum https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/143538/vue-dialog-content-as-a-vue-template But even this answer is very lacking.” 
In this above mentioned forum 143538, we have loaded another Vue component template in the Dialog content and also passed the data from one component to another using Vuex store. Please let us know the details on the information that is lacking in our end. This will help provide you a prompt solution 


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