Thank you for the snippets , it is clear now
i do not know if i have to open a new thread or it is acceptable to append , the issue is related and goes like this
from the code you have attached i tried to edit and add the UmlClassifier shapes to the Pallete
but did not succeed
i tried to follow the documentation and saw the NodeModel can accept UmlClassifierShapeModel, but the shape does not show in the pallete instead the pallete is broken,in order to make sure i tried with the swimlane and it shows , but for the UMLclass not
can you please help
let basicShapes1: NodeModel[] = [{
id: "Patient",
//Position of the node
offsetX: 200,
offsetY: 200,
shape: {
type: "UmlClassifier",
//Define class object
class: {
name: "Patient",
//Define class attributes
attributes: [{ name: "accepted", type: "Date" }],
//Define class methods
methods: [{ name: "getHistory", type: "getHistory" }]
classifier: "Class"