Animation is always right to left on iOS

When using the SelectedIndex property of the SfRotator to rotate between items, the animation is always right to left on iOS regardless of the FlowDirection property.  I have a rotator on my content page with two buttons below it to switch to the previous or next item by altering the SelectedIndex of the rotator.  Tapping the 'Previous' button will animate the rotator correctly, left to right as it moves to the previous item.  Tapping 'Next' will animate right to left as it rotates to the next item.  But on iOS, it always animates right to left for both buttons.

3 Replies

ET Eswaran Thirugnanasambandam Syncfusion Team March 19, 2019 12:51 PM UTC

Hi Dean Martin

We have created the sample for the reported issue "Animation is always right to left on iOS" and the issue is not reproduced.
Since we were not able to reproduce this issue at our end, can you please revert us by modifying the sample based on your application along with replication procedure.

Sample Link:

Vanaja R.A

DM Dean Martin March 19, 2019 02:11 PM UTC


I downloaded your sample project and didn't have to change anything other than the startup project to iOS and I could reproduce the problem.  Are you sure you ran it on an iOS device?  I'm running on an iPhone 6s.  It helps if you set EnableLooping = "false".  Using the previous and next buttons, the rotator always animates right to left regardless of which button is tapped.

Even if you set the FlowDirection = "LeftToRight" and enable looping, the animation is still right to left.  Please take another look at your sample project.


MS Mugundhan Saravanan Syncfusion Team March 20, 2019 01:29 PM UTC

Hi Dean Martin,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

We are able to reproduce the issue from our side. We have logged a bug report for this and the fix for the reported issue will be available on March 29,2019. Please check the following link to track the bug report for the corresponding issue.

Feedback Link:  

Mugundhan S. 

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