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FontSize property on Picker/DatePicker controls do not effect appearance of values

As the attached sample project shows, trying to change the font size of the text displayed in a Picker/DatePicker cannot be accomplished by using the FontSize property on the Picker or DatePicker controls.

Other properties such as TextColor, Format, FontFamily work fine.

Attachment: dataform_font_d74e8de7.zip

2 Replies

SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team February 11, 2019 12:22 PM UTC

Hi Bob, 
Currently, we are analyzing the query with working of FontSize property for Picker/DatePicker controls in SfDataForm Xamarin Forms with the provided sample. We will analyze the query from our side and update you the details in one business day (Feb 12,2019). We appreciate your patience until then. 
Swathi G

JN Jayaleshwari N Syncfusion Team February 13, 2019 04:34 AM UTC

Hi Bob,  
We have analysed with the query with working of FontSize property for Picker/DatePicker controls in SfDataForm Xamarin Forms with the provided sample. We have already internally logged task to provide font size customization in DataForm label,editor and validation message in the Dataform control in Xamarin Forms platform. We are always trying to make our products better and feature requests like yours are a key part of our product growth efforts. We have already added this feature request to our database. We scheduled this feature request to our Volume 1,2019 release, which is expected to be available by mid of March, 2019. You can now track the current status of this feature request here.   
You can also communicate with us regarding the features any time using our Feature Report page.   
Jayaleshwari N. 

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