Passing Parameters in Embed Code


Is there a way of passing parameters through an Embed Code so I can filter a report based on that parameter?

I have a standard dashboard report which covers several teams of people.

While I can use the embed code to display this report on our intranet, it currently is not filtered so each team manager only sees their team. 

We store the embed code in our database, so we could edit the embed code via Javascript and add the parameters to the embed code from here. 

If not and we have to use the Dashboard SDK to pass parameters and filters through to the report, can you tell me how I would install this as a webservice on Azure please?

I've checked the documentation for installing the SDK, but it only seems to refer to "local" installations.


2 Replies

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team February 8, 2019 05:32 AM UTC

Hi Giovani,   

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.   

Yes. It is possible to pass parameters through an Embed Code. For this, you need to append the filter query [fieldname=value] at the end of the Dashboard URL of your Embed Code.   

Please find the sample Embed Code below,   

<iframe id='frame-div' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' src=''></iframe>  

While rendering the Embed dashboard, the filter “Country = Chile” will be applied. You can append any number of filters with ‘&’ at the end of the embed code URL.   

Note: Currently we do not have support to host Dashboard SDK as a Web Service in Azure.  

Renuka N. 

GI Gio February 8, 2019 09:24 AM UTC

Hi Renuka, 

Many thanks for coming back to me so quickly, that's really useful (and a helpful example). 


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