I need use the Appointments Blocking Dates and Time but in the Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule.View I don't have the Timeline's.

I'm used the new control name's Blocking Dates and Time, but I can't put the Timeline's because I don't have the attributes in the Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule.View.

Can you help me with this problem?
And if this possible, can I see the some example for Appointments Blocking Dates and Time.

Thank you!

1 Reply

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team January 11, 2019 05:21 AM UTC

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We can implement block interval feature by simply defining the IsBlock field with in event collection. We have prepared the below sample to display the block interval option in Timeline mode. 
List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>(); 
appData.Add(new AppointmentData 
    Id = 1, 
    Subject = "Not Available", 
    StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 1, 11, 10, 0, 0), 
    EndTime = new DateTime(2019, 1, 11, 12, 0, 0), 
    IsAllDay = false, 
    IsBlock = true, 

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