I'm facing an issue with the Trendlines in Chart JS2, the Linear, Exponential, Polynomial are working well (did not try Moving Average),
But the Power and Logarithmic does not generate the Trendlines.
In the console i have an error when the series are rendered with NaN values in the SVG.
I tried to debug to check which values are used and i found the VisibleSerie object used has NaN value for Y whatever data I used.
please find attached the Screenshots when the series are rendered (internally), here is the VisibleSeries Array when rendering my series, I have a serie corresponding to my data and the trendline with Y Point as NaN.
I'm confused because the Stackblitz demo example is working on the demo site But I cannot find out what is going on and what I'm doing wrong.
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you