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Is there an API for interacting programmatically with the dashboard's visuals


I am in the process of evaluating the capabilities of the Syncfusion dashboard with a view to use it in one of our applications and was wondering if there is an API for interacting programmatically with the visuals?

For example; when a user clicks on a segment of a Pie chart displayed on the dashboard, I want to be able to intercept that action programmatically and pass some parameters (e.g. an Id corresponding to the segment clicked) into my host WPF application.

I would very much appreciate any help on this.

Thank you


2 Replies

MP Mehala Palanisamy Syncfusion Team January 7, 2019 01:24 PM UTC

Hi Jav, 
We can able to get the dashboard widget’s interacted value by using the Javascript API actionComplete. 
Use the below code snippets in the Viewer html Generating code. 
var sydbPath = _environmentFolder + dashboardProperties.SydxFileName; 
            var viewerstr = "$('#dashboard').ejDashboardViewer({serviceUrl: '" + dashboardProperties.ServiceUrl + 
                            "', dashboardPath: '" + 
                            sydbPath.Replace(@"\", @"\\") + 
            var sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            sb.Append("<body style=\"width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden;\">"); 
            sb.Append("<div id=\"dashboard\" style=\"width:100%; height:100%;\" />"); 
            sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">"); 
            sb.Append("function actionComplete(args){if(args.eventType==='afterRendering')" + 
                      "{for(var i=0;i<args.source.data.d.length;i++){if(args.source.data.d[i].Key == 'Title')" + 
            return sb.ToString(); 
We will get back to you the further details of getting the dashboard widget’s interacted value in WPF application event in two business days. 
Mehala Palanisamy 

MP Mehala Palanisamy Syncfusion Team January 9, 2019 03:04 PM UTC

Hi Jav, 
Thanks for your Patience. 
We have checked this scenario from our side. We could not able to get the dashboard widget’s interacted value by using the WPF event. Please use the previous update JavaScript API event to get the interacted value in your application. 
Mehala Palanisamy 

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