Greetings from Syncfusion.
Query : it says that I get only one item
From the query we suspect that the Duplicate modules present in the Syncfusion package while upgrading to the latest version which might be the cause of this issue. So we suggest to reinstalling the Syncfusion packages in your project to overcome the reported issue.
Please use the below steps to reinstall to the latest version.
- Delete package.lock.json file from your application If present.
- Remove the @syncfusion packages folder from the node_modules.
- Use same version for all Syncfusion components(Grid, Dropdown, etc,) in package.json file.
- Then run the command npm install to install the Syncfusion packages.
If you have faced any issue while upgrading please get back to us with the NPM debug log file, package.json of your project or any other screenshots/code example that helps us to analyze further at our end.
Pavithra S.