Hi Balaji,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
Query: the HeightRequest of the SfTextInputLayout is not Customizable. Can we reduce the height? if not we should go with default height?
The height of the text input layout is based on the height of the input view. It can be changed by setting HeightRequest or FontSize property of the Entry (or other input view). We have provided the code snippet for the same,
[Code Snippet XAML],
To collapse the bottom space of the text input layout
Currently the bottom space of the text input layout is reserved for assistive labels (such as helper text, error text and character counter text). We have planned to provide the support to hide the bottom space in our Volume 4 2018 release, which is scheduled to be rolled out at the mid of December.
To customize the padding for the input view
We would like to let you know that, we have already considered to provide an option to customize padding for the input view, which will be available in our Volume 1 2019 release, it is targeted by the mid of March.