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What 10 Things Should a Serious Javascript Developer Know Right Now?

I'm inviting pure opinion here, but what's your list of ten things that everyone looking for a good javascript role should know and understand. Personally, I'm in a role where what I know is adequate, but I want to be somewhere better; somewhere that has some flippin standards. I'm learning outside of work requirements at the moment, but there is so much shit to learn out there.

The objective is to do good work in a good place.

Narrow it down to your ten for me, or for you.

Can be your own "I must learn x" list too. I'm very interested to hear what people think.

2 Replies

DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team November 19, 2018 11:57 AM UTC

Hi Ramesh,  
Thanks for contacting Syncufsion support.  
These are the basic things to be known by any front-end developer. 
  1. HTML – for static rendering of controls
  1. Javascript – To make the HTML controls responsive to user interaction, creates a dynamic HTML
  1. CSS – To customize the appearance of HTML
In addition to the above, those are the list of things that we do follow to keep ourselves adaptive to any work-environment.  
  1. Javascript frameworks that make your life lot more easier when building large scale applications like AngularJS, ReactJS etc. by providing an featues like routing, services, modular structure, cross browser support etc.
  1. CSS tools that helps you in organizing your stylesheet and easy to maintain and update according to your needs.
  1. Bundling and minification tools to optimize your code to remove unwanted codes and minify it, so that you can make you website load faster.
  1. Responsiveness web-design: Now a days, we have a range of devices from large sized desktop to a mobile device, to its smallest dimension. So to make your website or application to be viewable in any dimension, you would need to learn about the responsive web design techniques.
  1. Testing For large scale applications, in which more number of people are involved in development the application is more prone to human errors, so you would need to learn testing automation tools to automate your development process
  1. Version control If you are working in a really large scale projects, you would need to learn about version control techniques in order to maintain the code changes for every version of your project. This will help you track down the changes easily
  1. Debugging: Since the application you develop is viewable in almost all the devices, you would need to gain knowledge about the debugging tools available in browsers.
  1. CLI tools are tools provide you with a handful of commands to make your development phase much easier.
Most importantly it’s better to gain knowledge by making your hands dirty by developing your own project. After all, one can gain better knowledge from experience rather than going through all the articles or tutorials.  
Deepa L.           

PN Preethi Nesakkan Gnanadurai Syncfusion Team November 19, 2018 12:24 PM UTC

Hi Ramesh, 
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