SfChart inside SfTabItem not scrollable (only in iOS)

I am using Xamarin forms and have a sfchart control inside a <sftabitem.content>. My issue is after the chart displays in the tab item, I am unable to scroll down the page when i try to touch within the tab item area. This issue is only happening on iOS and not on Android. 

3 Replies

PA Paul Anderson S Syncfusion Team November 16, 2018 06:28 AM UTC

Hi Santosh Bemgal, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Query: “SfChart inside SfTabItem not scrollable” 
We have analyzed the reported issue and we are unable to reproduce SfChart not scrollable issue. We have created a sample using a SfChart inside the SfTabItem. Please check the sample from the following link 
In this sample we have set EnableSwiping property as false because if scroll horizontally means, it performs scrolling instead of moving to next tab.  
Could you please check with our latest ( Xamarin.Syncfusion.SfTabView package. 
Please let us know if you have any other concern. 
Paul Anderson 

SB Santosh Bemgal November 27, 2018 06:59 PM UTC

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply. It still doesn't work on iOS device. I have a list view inside one tabitem and two charts in a stacklayout in another tabitem. I am still unable to scroll down the page by touching anywhere within the tabitem area to scroll down. I don't have any issues on android.

PA Paul Anderson S Syncfusion Team November 28, 2018 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Santosh Bemgal,  
Thanks for the update. 
Query: “SfChart inside SfTabItem not scrollable in iOS” 
We have checked the reported issue and we are unable to reproduce the reported issue. We have prepared a sample by using a two Charts inside a StackLayout in TabView content(as you mentioned). Please check the sample for reference from the following link 
Could you please let us know which version are using for our Syncfusion controls? 
Please modify the sample as per your scenario so that we can reproduce the issue and help you resolving the issue at your end. 
Paul Anderson 

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