Adjusting the height of the SfTextInputLayout

Is there a way to make the control shorter? I set ShowHint to false, but the space above the entry is still being used.
This makes the control twice as tall as I need it to be.

Thank you.

7 Replies

MP Michael Prabhu M Syncfusion Team November 8, 2018 05:01 AM UTC

Hi Solomon, 
As the hint plays a primary role in this component, we have reserved some space at the top of the input view, to place the hint when floated.  Also, there is a space reserved at the bottom (below the line) for helper text, error text and character counter text. As error can be shown dynamically we have reserved this space for these assistive labels at the bottom of input view to avoid size changes when these labels appears/disappear.  
If the requirement is to reduce the height of the control, then we have already planned to provide the Support to collapse the bottom space, where separate API will be provided to choose whether to allocate space for helper text, error text and character counter label. It will be included in our upcoming Volume 4 release which is expected by the mid of December 2018.  

SF Solomon Fried November 8, 2018 12:22 PM UTC

Thank you.

I will be looking for the Volume 4 release supporting a 'Collapsed' view. It would be nice to also collapse the top when the Hint is not being used.

JO Joy Oyiess Rex  K Syncfusion Team November 9, 2018 12:11 PM UTC

Hi Solomon, 


Already we have a plan to reduce the current top padding size (space above the outline border).  Also, as mentioned in our previous update, we will expose an API to collapse the bottom space.  Both the mentioned improvements will be available in our upcoming volume release which is expected by the mid of December 2018.

Kindly share us an image representation of your requirement for the extra space in the control, so that we can validate your requirement with our plan.



Joy Oyiess Rex K.

BS Brian Swanson September 30, 2020 02:19 PM UTC

Has this been implemented yet? I would like to remove the space for Hint and Error from my TextInput to reduce the amount of screen being taken up by the field.


Brian Swanson

SS Sridevi Sivakumar Syncfusion Team October 1, 2020 01:21 PM UTC

Hi Brian Swanson,

We would like to let you know that we have already implemented the support to remove the allocated space for helper text, error text and character counter label by using the ReserveSpaceForAssistiveLabels property with setting false to that.  

BS Brian Swanson October 1, 2020 03:00 PM UTC


Thank you! That was exactly what I needed. Have a great day.


SS Sridevi Sivakumar Syncfusion Team October 2, 2020 06:11 AM UTC

Hi Solomon Fried,

Thanks for your update and we are glad to hear that the given solution works at your end.

Sridevi S.

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