License Question

Hi all,

I understand that we are supposed to purchase a license when (if) somehow our little project reaches 1MM in sales.

However, prior to that ... what do we need to do regarding license to make sure our stuff doesn't stop running in Production?

I downloaded the SyncFusionEssentialStudio Setup, ran the EXE, and pulled out the precompiledassemblies I needed.

Do these do license checks?  Is there anything I need to deploy in production alongside these assemblies in my app?



1 Reply

ST SaBrena Toler Syncfusion Team May 31, 2017 02:12 PM UTC

Hello Philip, 

We thank you for your interest in our controls.  I have forwarded your inquiry to our Sales Department; someone will contact you shortly. 

Please be advised that I am closing this incident; please let me know if you have any questions. 


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