Customize the SfSchedule


I need to customize the SfSchedule to meet the following requirements :

1)- Hide the hours of the week view (I have tried to do that by adding this: 

                    <syncfusion:ScheduleCollapsedHour StartHour="0" EndHour="24"/>

   It worked for me. Is there any other way to do so ?


2)- Modify the hight of the header that contains month and year labels

Best regards

3 Replies

JM Jeyasri M Syncfusion Team November 22, 2016 07:27 AM UTC

Hi Elie, 
Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products. 
Regarding Query “Hide the hours of the week view”. 
Your requirement of hiding TimeSlot in Schedule week view also can be achieved by using the following ways. 
1.       By Setting the Schedule IntervalHeight as Zero
2.       In other way, you can set the Schedule WorkStartHour and WorkEndHour value as Zero and you can hide the Schedule TimeSlot by setting the ShowNonWorkingHours vale as False.   
Regarding Query “Modify the height of the header that contains month and year labels”. 
As of now we don’t have direct support to customize the Schedule Header Height. But your requirement can be achieved by overriding the default HeaderTitleBarView control default style.  
Please refer the below KB for customizing Schedule Header in more details. 
Based on your above requirements we have we have prepared a sample and please find the sample from below link. 
Customization Sample:  Schedule_Customization 
Jeyasri M. 

EL Elie November 23, 2016 04:19 PM UTC


- How to translate "All Days" / "Events" ?

- How to have more events display in the ScheduleType Month ?

 In the ScheduleType Week, I hide the hours of the week view. How to have the all days who take all the scheduler hight ?  I have 6  all day events, but we have the button "3 more" How to see all the events and never "More Buttons"

Best regards

JM Jeyasri M Syncfusion Team November 24, 2016 12:28 PM UTC

Hi Elie, 
Regarding Query “How to translate "All Days" / Events?” 
You can localize the schedule elements by adding. resw file with corresponding culture string added in it. Based on your requirement we have prepared a sample and please find the sample in below location. 
Sample Link:  Schedule_Localization 
Regarding Query “How to have more events display in the ScheduleType Month?” 
We have already logged a feature request for displaying more events in single day in moth view and it will be implement in any of our upcoming release. 
Regarding Query “Hiding Hour in Week view?” 
As of now we don’t have support to customize Schedule All day panel height. Could you please share the more details about your requirement such as real time scenario of hiding timeslot in week view and appointment handling in all day panel which will be helpful for us to analyze further and provide you possible details. 
Jeyasri M. 

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