Combo with Tree view with MVC

I have the requirement to load the tree list in combo box. And we should allow user to type on the drop down and when he is typing result should be filtered. 

I wonder whether you have control to support my requirement. I have object with the tree structure and that should be able to set as the data source.

Please provide me sample with MVC.

Thanks in Adavance.

1 Reply

MS Muralishankar Sundaram Syncfusion Team October 19, 2016 02:24 PM UTC

Hi Samantha, 

Thanks for contacting syncfusion support, 

The requested sample scenario is depends on the Treeview - filtering support and currently we don’t have that feature support with the Treeview component. But in Dropdownlist, we have widget integration support (with some interaction limitations) and the demo sample available with the below link.  

Please let us know if you have any other concern. 


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