121082 Nov 9,2015 11:04 AM May 26,2016 04:57 AM JavaScript 3 11111


We're using the ej-grid control (implemented with AngularJS) and we're attempting to re-order rows using drag and drop.

So far I've not been able to find anything in the documentation for the JavaScript control to suggest you can drag and drop a row, or that there are events available to work with.

Can you confirm whether you are able to drag/drop a row please?

Many thanks.

3 Replies

MF Mohammed Farook J Syncfusion Team November 10, 2015 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Greg Gannicott,

At present there is no support to " Drag and drop grid rows". For this we have already logged a feature request regarding this.

A support incident (#146876) has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


Mohammed Farook J

WO Wouter May 25, 2016 12:13 PM UTC

Since this is supported now via allowRowDragAndDrop: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ejgrid#members:allowrowdraganddrop

How do we get the order out again? Its not reflected in the CurrentViewData

BM Balaji Marimuthu Syncfusion Team May 26, 2016 08:57 AM UTC

Hi Greg, 
We have checked the currentViewData records after reordering the rows, but the records are reflected properly in the currentViewData. Refer to the attached sample in following link. 
If you still face the issue, kindly share the following details. 
1.     Essential Studio & browser version details. 
2.     Scenario to reproduce the issue. 
3.     Screenshot of the issue if any. 
4.     Share sample or modify the attached sample as issue reproducible. 
Balaji Marimuthu 

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