Custom Components are not being rendered because problems were detected

Hi, I'm Raphael and I'm using the sfDataGrid control.

I'm having a problem.. when I open the storyboard in my Xamarin.iOS project, the "Custom Components are not being rendered because problems were detected" message appears.

But, I noticed that if I remove the syncfusion references, clean and rebuild the solution, the message doesn't appear anymore.

I'm using just the sfDataGrid and I've added 3 references for it:

- Syncfusion.GridCommon.Portable.dll
- Syncfusion.Linq.iOS.dll
- Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.iOS.dll

All in the last Syncfusion Xamarin version

Can you help me? Is any configuration or reference missing ?



3 Replies

HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team September 29, 2015 03:40 PM UTC

Hi Raphael,

Thank you for using Syncfusion Products.

We are unable to understand your query, so could you please share us more details related to this query like whether the issue is the grid not displayed under custom components or is your requirement is different from this? It will be very helpful for us to understand your requirement clearly and update the response.

Please let us know if you have any query.


SA SAGE September 29, 2015 05:55 PM UTC


Well, first I'm sorry, but the problem "disappeared".

I don't know what I did, but today the message is no longer showing anymore.

Sorry for the incovenience, if this happens again, I contact you.


HN Harikrishnan N Syncfusion Team September 30, 2015 09:36 AM UTC

Hi Raphael,

Thank you for your update.
Please let us know if you have any query.


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