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It Crashes VIsual Studio every time

When I drop the control on to a form it is fine just a bit of a wait till i can add the datasource and then preview and edit the columns. as soon as you close the preview and it asks if you want to change the Grid controls settings visual studio goes black and you can forget about doing anything with it. Sometimes it would continue this for a few minutes or if you want you can end task visual studio

this also happens once you run the application and you close it. as soon as visual studio gets the focus again it crashes if that control is open in the visual studio window

please help

13 Replies

JS Jeong Sik Yoo September 29, 2015 02:03 AM UTC

I experienced similar cases
In my case, reinstall of 'Visual Studio' helped

AK Adhikesevan Kothandaraman Syncfusion Team September 29, 2015 05:46 PM UTC

Hi Perrie,

Thanks for contacting  Syncfusion Support.

The reported issue may occur when the application refers to the older version of assemblies, even after upgrading to a higher version. Please refer to the following Kb link, it will show how to solve the designer crash of visual studio.

KB Link:


PS Pierre Smith October 14, 2015 09:18 AM UTC


The one reply that I had on this post was to reinstall VS , so what I did is to install VS 2015 with the newest version of Syncfusion tools and it still does what it does
At the moment I am running VS 2015 enterprise and have synctools forms v13.2.0.34 targeting .net4 assemblies

so what i experienced so far . It takes about 4 minutes for VS studio to go from a black screen and not responding to working again. Sometimes when I start a debugger session it would also freeze up VS for a while and once you stop debugging and the Form with the grid is open it goes in to a not responding mode again.

I created my table from scratch again after it was giving me an error and everything was working fine till I made an expression field then it started doing the whole freezing VS . I took it out and it was working fine again. I changed some of the one columns appearance propperties and now it is doing it everytime i close the preview and edit screen

this is really frustrating

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team October 15, 2015 09:42 AM UTC

Hi Pierre,

We have created a new incident for this query. Please login our direct-trac for better follow ups.


Thanks & Regards,

NN nn April 5, 2016 11:20 AM UTC

Is this issue been fixed ? 
I am using VS2013 update 5 and syncfusion

VS hangs when Grid grouping control is bound to object datasourse

This is very frustrating, unable to work this way..

AS Amresh S Syncfusion Team April 6, 2016 03:05 PM UTC

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.

We have analyzed your reported query and need the information on the type of data source assigned to the grid either binded data type or other types. The data being assigned through the designer or at the compile time.
If possible could you provide us with the screen shorts of your UI or code snippets to assign data source it would be more helpful for us to provide the exact solution at the earliest.

Amresh S.

NN nn April 7, 2016 08:05 AM UTC

I am attaching a simplified version of a very simple project to demonstrate the problem.

steps to reproduce it.
1. open the FormAddEditProject form in design view.
2. try to compile. after a while the vs is not responding and you have to close it from the task manager.

some times the problem appears after a couple of compile actions so you have to  repeat these steps but the problem will  definitely appear


Attachment: vs2013Syncfusion_82bf206b.zip

AS Amresh S Syncfusion Team April 8, 2016 04:39 PM UTC

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your update.

In Visual Studio the designer-window gets re-painting in background whenever building a solution or running the project with the designer window in view state. When using BindingSource as data source it causes some conflicts during the repainting of the form with the designer window in the view. In case, if the system is running multi-threaded applications that consume considerable amount of memory space and could not meet the additional memory need of a single thread, then crashing will occurs. We can avoid this problem by hiding the designer window from the view and so the process of repainting is avoided. Please find the below sample video to resolve the solution and let us know your concerns.

Video link:

Amresh S.

NN nn April 9, 2016 03:28 PM UTC

Dear Amresh S,
I have the impression that your proposed solution is just a workaround that just happened to worked in this simple case.
I can assure you that in a more complex project with binding to Entity framework this workaround simply fails.
I am sure that something more surious is happening in your GGC

AS Amresh S Syncfusion Team April 11, 2016 12:04 PM UTC

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your update.

We are glad that the provided solution works. The crashing of Visual studio happens only when using BindingSource is used as data source and we are tracing this crashing. Please let us know if you have any other queries.

Amresh S.

AS Amresh S Syncfusion Team April 11, 2016 04:05 PM UTC

Dear Customer,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please ignore our previous update.

By default the painting of designer window is done during the compile time and also whenever the solution is builded. The BindingSource instance have some conflicts with the initialization and painting of this designer window process. So by hiding the view of the designer the painting conflict of BindingSource instance is avoided. We have posted the queries in MSDN regarding the conflict in BindingSource instance and are also improving to handle the BindingSource instance.

You mentioned that the workaround solution in our previous update provides the solution. Please let us know if you need any further assistance on it.

Amresh S.

TM Tobias Mund October 16, 2017 09:26 PM UTC

Hello Syncfusion Team,

First of all, thank you for your nice components. But a freezing VisualStudio when using BindingSource is still a problem. In April 2016 you said you asked MSDN ... are there any news on this?



AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team October 17, 2017 12:05 PM UTC

Hi Tobi,  
Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.  
We could able to understand your scenario and checked the MSDN forum for the reported issue. The binding source will be loading into the memory until the application is closed whenever the BindingSource is set as DataSource for the grid. Please refer the below MSDN forum for better follow-up.  
We request you to close designer window after done the any changes in designer before run the application because the control will be reinitialized again with all complex properties of BindingSource when the designer is open state.  
Please let us know if you have any other queries.  

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