Hi Bruno,
We analyzed your requirement to interchange the NumberDecimalSeparator and NumberGroupingSeparator. We suspect that your requirement is to apply localization to the Grid content.
We have created a sample with localization, which can be found in the following location.
Sample Link:
In the above sample, we have set the localization to Grid as “
pt-BR” using the locale propertly of the grid. It is also essential to refer the jquery culture script file for applying localization to the Grid content.
The culture script file corresponding to the localization can be found in the below location.
Culture Script Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\
We need to define the localized string values externally for Grid Control. We have listed all the properties of Grid control to translate as localize string in the below document.
Document Link:
Please refer to the following online links for more information on localization.
Online documentation Link:
Online Sample Link:
Ragavee U S