I am currently running Syncfusion and am running into an issue with the GridControlBase when grids are disposed.
Essentially, my code is setup to close a screen containing a grid when a user double clicks a row (so the resulting row data is returned to the parent screen.) When this is done, the OnMouseDown event on GridControlBase is called. Within this, the SyncFusion ExceptionManager class is modified to suspend exception capturing then the event is raised. I've found that whenever the grid is disposed Syncfusion never calls ResumeCatchExceptions on the ExceptionManager and exceptions that are normally caught by Syncfusion are now being thrown.
Is this something that has been fixed that could possibly be patched? It seems to me that a try catch finally where ResumeCatchExceptions can be placed in the finally would resolve the issue. Or maybe this is by design and it should be doing this, but I don't understand why it would.