Disable Reflection on column mapping

Is it possible to disable reflection from being used to generate columns and add the columns programmatically?

I'm currently using a UniformChildList to populate the GridGroupingControl, but the base classes in my list extends from a super base class that is causing thousands of properties to be analyzed and therefore causing the control to load very slowly.

2 Replies

MA Mark May 15, 2014 03:09 PM UTC

OK, so I found that if I set the following reflection will not happen on the child classes and I can add my own columns to the table:


My only problem now seems to be that the control is still very slow to load.

Any thought?


SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team May 20, 2014 11:59 AM UTC

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay.

We would like to suggest you few properties of GGC. These properties would improve the performance.Kindly refer the below provided code snippet.

Code Snippet:


     this.gridGroupingControl1.AllowedOptimizations = Syncfusion.Grouping.EngineOptimizations.RecordsAsDisplayElements;

     this.gridGroupingControl1.AllowSwapDataViewWithDataTableList = true;

     this.gridGroupingControl1.UseOldListChangedHandler = true;

     this.gridGroupingControl1.UseDefaultsForFasterDrawing = true;

     this.gridGroupingControl1.UpdateDisplayFrequency = 100;

     this.gridGroupingControl1.InvalidateAllWhenListChanged = true;

     GridControlBase.UseOldHiddenScrollLogic = true;


If still the issue is not resolved. Please provide us a sample reproducing the issue. So, that it would be easy for us to provide a prompt solution.

Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Thanks & Regards,


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