MultiSelectionDropDown PopupWindow become very small

My MultiSelectionDropDown was in a HTML table,

and the position of the MultiSelectionDropDown was bigger than the width of the IE window,

so the user must drag the H-scrollbar to see the MultiSelectionDropDown,

but when the user click the MultiSelectionDropDown, the PopupWindow become very small,

How solve it ?

1 Reply

RA Rajaveni Syncfusion Team January 16, 2014 04:14 PM UTC

Hi Hanson,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

We have prepared a simple sample with the given code to check the issue, but the issue is not reproduced in our end. Please download the sample from below link.

Kindly refer the above sample and if you feel that issue still exists, could you please try modifying the above sample with issue and share the same with us, so that we can analyze the problem and provide you a better solution.

And also update us with the Browser information and product version details.



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