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How can I use existing JavaScript libraries with Blazor?

Platform: Blazor| Category : General, JavaScript Interop

To use existing JavaScript libraries with Blazor, you can utilize JavaScript Interop, which allows you to call JavaScript functions from your C# code and vice versa. 

Here are the general steps: 

  1. Include the JavaScript library in your project either by downloading it and placing it in your project directory or by using a package manager like npm. 
  2. Create a JavaScript file (e.g. mylibrary.js) that references the library and contains JavaScript functions that you want to use in your Blazor component. 
  3. In your Blazor component, inject the IJSRuntime service: 
@inject IJSRuntime jsRuntime

4. Create a C# method that calls the JavaScript function. Use the InvokeAsync method of the IJSRuntime service to invoke the JavaScript function:

private async Task CallMyLibraryFunction() 
    await jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("myLibrary.myFunction", arg1, arg2); 

In the example above, myLibrary refers to the JavaScript library and myFunction is the name of the JavaScript function that you want to call. arg1 and arg2 are the arguments that you want to pass to the JavaScript function. 

Note that the first argument to the InvokeAsync method specifies the name of the JavaScript function that you want to call, followed by any arguments that you want to pass to the function.

5. You can then call the CallMyLibraryFunction method in your component’s Razor markup or C# code. 

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