What’s New in 2022 Volume 4: Essential JS 2 | Syncfusion Blogs
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What’s New in 2022 Volume 4: Essential JS 2

We are excited to announce the fourth and final release for the year, 2022 Vol. 4, for Essential JS 2. This release includes a range of new features and updates across multiple components. We have added a new control, marked several controls as production-ready, and made several improvements and enhancements to the existing components.

Here are the highlights of what’s new in Essential JS 2.

New Control: Rating (Preview)

The Essential JS 2 Rating component allows users to provide star ratings or view other people’s ratings on a numeric scale for services or products. Key features of the Rating component include:

  • Precision: Users can choose from different precision options (full, half, quarter, exact) to provide more accurate ratings.
  • Custom labels: Users can express rating values with custom labels.
  • Tooltips: A tooltip appears on hovering over the rating, displaying the exact rating value.
  • Customizable templates: Users can customize the rating stars with any icon or template.

Production-Ready Components

The following controls have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked as production-ready:

Angular 15 support

All the Syncfusion Angular components are now compatible with Angular version 15.


In the Charts component, we have made the following updates:

  • Wrap data labels: Wrap the text in data labels when it overflows the container in accumulation charts.
  • Dashed legends: Add dashed legend icons for dashed line series.
  • Axis title rotation: Rotate the axis title from 0 to 360 degrees.

Word Processor

In the Word Processor component, users can now display text in a multicolumn layout, like in a newspaper.

Gantt Chart

In the Gantt Chart component, we have made the following updates:

  • Right-to-left (RTL) support: Improve the user experience and accessibility for those working with RTL languages like Hebrew and Arabic by switching the text direction and layout of the Gantt Chart to right-to-left.
  • Shimmer loading placeholder: Improve visualization while loading data by showing a placeholder in Gantt Chart cells until the data operation is completed.


In the DataGrid component, we have made the following updates:

  • Grouped row expanding: Grouped items with n levels of data will now be loaded on demand with virtual scrolling when the corresponding lazy-loaded group row is expanded.
  • Checkbox filter: Keep previously selected checkbox filters when making additional changes by selecting Add current selection to filter in the Excel or checkbox filter.


In the Heatmap component, users can now select one cell at a time using the keyboard, mouse, or touch interface.

Image Editor

In the Image Editor component, we have added the following new features:

  • Color adjustment: Adjust the color for brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, opacity, blur, and exposure.
  • Filters: Adjust the color of an image with filters: chrome, cold, warm, grayscale, sepia, and invert.

PDF Viewer

In the PDF Viewer component, we have made the following updates:

  • Digital signatures: Render digital signatures in existing PDF documents in a non-interactive way to preserve document integrity.
  • Form fields: Form field values can now be exported to FDF, XFDF, and XML formats and imported into the PDF Viewer programmatically.

Pivot Table

In the Pivot Table component, we have made the following updates:

  • Subtotals: Users can now display subtotals in the Pivot Table’s row and column axes at the top or bottom position in their group.
  • Y-axis: Pivot chart series for multiple measures can now be drawn on a single y-axis rather than separate axes.
  • Export: Users can now export both the pivot table and pivot chart to a single PDF document.


In the Scheduler component, users can now customize workdays when resources are grouped by date.


In the TreeGrid component, users can now load child records on demand with virtualization. Child records are loaded on demand when expanding parent records in the current viewport with virtualization enabled. Parent records are retrieved from remote services at initial rendering.


Thanks for reading! We have seen in this blog the snappy new features and controls for Essential JS 2 in the 2022 Volume 4 release. Please go through our Release Notes and What’s New pages for the additional updates in this release. Try them out and leave your feedback in the comments section below!

You can also contact us through our support forumsupport portal, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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Sumankumar G

Meet the Author

Sumankumar G

SumanKumar is a Technical Product Manager at Syncfusion for Web products. He is passionate about Web technology and has been active in development since 2010.