What’s New in 2022 Volume 2: Essential JS 2 | Syncfusion Blogs
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What’s New in 2022 Volume 2: Essential JS 2

What’s New in 2022 Volume 2: Essential JS 2

As you know, Syncfusion Essential Studio 2022 Volume 2 has been released with many exciting new features and controls.

In this blog, we will see the new updates in the Syncfusion Essential JS 2 platform for this release.

Angular Ivy package

Syncfusion Angular packages are now compatible with Ivy. The Ivy packages support Angular versions 12 and above. Syncfusion Angular packages tagged with ngcc are also published to provide the latest features and fixes for Angular versions 11 and older.

Run the following command to install the Angular packages that are compatible with ngcc.

npm install @syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids@ngcc

Angular 14 support

Syncfusion Angular components are now compatible with the latest Angular version, 14.

React 18 support

Syncfusion React components are now compatible with React version 18. Check out our live React demos that have been upgraded to React 18.

Dart Sass support

Syncfusion Essential JS 2 components Sass files are compiled using Dart Sass instead of node-sass. This change has been made because node-sass has been deprecated.

Carousel component is now production-ready

The Carousel component has been developed to meet industry standards. It is now marked as production-ready.

License key registration enhancement

You can now register the license key for the Essential JS 2 platforms using the npx command. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. First, install the Syncfusion packages from npm.
  2. Add the license key either in the environment variable SYNCFUSION_LICENSE or in the text file syncfusion-license.txt.
  3. Finally, run the command npx syncfusion-license activate to register the license automatically.


The DataGrid control gains these new features in the Essential JS 2 2022 Volume 2 release.

Select specific rows using the header checkbox

Select only specific rows when clicking the header checkbox of a data grid. You can disable the checkboxes in specific rows using the isSelectable argument in the rowDataBound event.

Select specific rows using header checkbox in JavaScript DataGrid

Header customization of an exported data grid file

Now, you can customize the exported grid’s header styles such as changing the text orientation, font color, and width of the header text on the server side (PDF, Excel, and CSV) and on the client side (Excel and CSV).

Header customization of exported data grid file

Search box with a clear icon

Now, you can display the clear icon in the search box of the DataGrid control. A single click on the clear icon clears the text in the search box as well as the search results in the data grid.

Search box with clear icon in JavaScript DataGrid


The new features of the Diagram control are as follows.

Bezier connector with multiple editing points

You can adjust the curve of the Bezier connector using multiple intermediate control points. Also, you can control the visibility of all the Bezier control points.

Refer to the following GIF image.

Bezier connector with multiple editing points in JavaScript Diagram control

Limit the orthogonal connector segments

You can limit the maximum number of segments of an orthogonal connector to a specified value while editing connector segments at runtime.

Limit the orthogonal connector segments in JavaScript Diagram Control

Connector splitting

Easily split the connector when dropping a new node onto an existing connector and create a connection between the new node and existing nodes.

Splitting Connector in JavaScript Diagram control

Customize orthogonal connector segments icon

This feature allows users to customize the shape, stroke color, stroke width, and fill of orthogonal connector segments’ thumb.

Customize orthogonal connector segments icon in JavaScript Diagram

Word Processor

The Word Processor supports these exciting new features in this Essential JS 2 2022 Volume 2 release.

Track changes – restriction

This feature restricts users from accepting or rejecting tracked changes while editing a Word document. All reviewers can view the document and make corrections, but they cannot accept or reject any tracked changes in the document. Later, the author can view their corrections and accept or reject the changes.

Track changes restriction in JavaScript Word Processor

Paragraph border

Now, you can easily add borders to the paragraphs in a Word document. With this, you can decorate paragraphs to set them apart from other paragraphs in the document.

Paragraph border support in JavaScript Word Processor

Gantt Chart with critical path

You can highlight a single task or a chain of linked tasks that has a direct impact on the project’s end date in the Gantt Chart component. If a task in a critical path is delayed, then the entire project will be delayed.

JavaScript Gantt Chart with Critical Path


The new features included in the Maps control are as follows.

Extending geometry type support

The Maps control now supports rendering GeoJSON files with the following  geometry types:

  • MultiLineString represents an array of two or more geographic points.
  • MultiPoint represents an array of points that renders circle markers.
  • GeometryCollection is a special type that contains various geometries as members.

New geometry types supported in JavaScript Maps

Additional online map providers

The Maps control now supports online map providers such as Esri, TomTom, and Mapbox. You can render markers, marker clusters, and navigation lines as well as use zooming, panning, and other essential features over these online maps.

Legend support for online map providers

Legend support is provided for markers rendered over online map providers such as OSM, Bing, and Mapbox. You can enjoy the legend support for layers and markers on sublayers over online map providers.

Legend support for online map providers


The Charts component has the following feature enhancements in this release.

Keyboard navigation

Now, you can use the keyboard to navigate through interactive elements such as titles, data points, and legends on the chart and also to zoom and pan the chart.

Range color mapping – highlight and select

You can highlight and select data points in a chart based on the range and point color mapping.

Highlight and select datapoints in range color mapping in JavaScript Charts

Pivot Table

The Pivot Table supports these new features in this 2022 Volume 2 release:

Custom sorting

Sort specific field members, also known as headers, either in ascending or descending order.

Custom Sorting in JavaScript Pivot Table

Field search

Search for a specific field in the field list UI and easily add or remove fields from the current report.

Field Search Feature in JavaScript Pivot Table

Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor is rolled out with the following features in this release.

Insert text programmatically in the Markdown editor

Now, you can insert text programmatically in the Markdown editor at the current cursor position.

First and last column resizing in tables

This feature allows you to resize the first and last columns of a table without resizing the other columns.

Table Column Resizing in JavaScript Rich Text Editor

Scheduler provides delimiter in CSV export

This feature sets a delimiter when exporting Scheduler events to CSV files.

Tree Grid with indent and outdent row options

Indent or outdent a selected row in the TreeGrid control one level hierarchy. Using the built-in toolbar items, you can easily perform indent and outdent actions on tree grid rows.

Refer to the following GIF image.

Indent and Outdent Row in JavaScript TreeGrid


Thanks for reading! This blog shows the new features in the Syncfusion Essential JS 2 platforms for the 2022 Volume 2 release. You can also check out all the new features in our release notes and the What’s New pages.

Try out these features and share your feedback as comments on this blog. You can also reach us through our support forums,  support portal, or feedback portal.

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